An other Christian site – Een andere Christelijke site

What we believe

Woodcut for "Die Bibel in Bildern", ...

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We believe that the universe once came into existence, but there has always been One God, the “I am who I amElohim, Hashem, YHWH, Jehovah, Yahweh, the  God of gods, God the Almighty Eternal Father, who has ever been and shall ever be and of Whom are all things, Whom no one has seen nor can see, and reigns in the heavens and transcends our complete knowing. He is revealed as our loving heavenly Father by His only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus, Yeshua, Yashua, Yahshua, Kristos, Christ who was born in Bethlehem.

Jesus the Christ or Christos, Messiah, was born of the Virgin Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit (God His Force and Thinking), thus uniting two natures human and divine. Jesus lived without sin, died as an atoning sacrifice for sin, was entombed for three days and three nights, was resurrected bodily, and ascended to his Father. As Son, not Father, Jesus is subordinate to His Father in rank. In heaven he was been placed higher than the angels and was ordained to be the High Priest and mediator between God and men. Jesus reigns as Lord in heaven and will return to earth as judge and King of the kings.

The Spirit or Pneuma is God’s presence and power in the world and indwells believers. By the Holy Spirit, God inspired and illuminates the Scriptures; convicts and regenerates sinners; sanctifies, teaches, comforts, guides, and preserves believers; and empowers them for service. Evidences of the Holy Spirit in the believer’s life are faith in Christ, obedience to God, and the spiritual fruit of love.

By the Holy Spirit, the divine Helper, worldly men got inspired and receive the possibilities to write down the Word of God. Several holy men received the power to tell about the future and to do things which would seem impossible. Those miracles could be done by the Force of God. The writings of these people of God and prophets are bundled in the Bible, a Book consisting of 66  inspired Books forming the Old and the New Testament. Inerrant in its original writing, the Bible is the only authoritative and infallible rule of faith and conduct for humanity. It is our best instructor and guide to be able to know more about the Divine Creator, His Creation and how we can become partakers in a heavenly calling, of His promised redemption, of His Church and of His promises.

Humanity was created in the image of God: sinless, though not naturally immortal. Through Adam and Eve’s disobedience, all human beings became sinners by nature and by choice. The penalty for our sin is alienation from God, physical death (without consciousness), and, ultimately, eternal death for those who do not receive the salvation offered by Christ. People have to make their own choices and have to choose out of their own free will if they want to follow Christ Jesus and take the path to the narrow gate to enter the Kingdom of God.

The Church of God in Scripture is a spiritual body of believers, today the body of Christ, who hold the faith of Jesus Christ the Messiah and keep the commandments of his Father the Only One God. Under the lordship of Christ and the authority of his word, the church exists universally and locally for purposes of worshipping God, preaching the gospel, nurturing believers, and serving humanity. Christians should participate in the church’s mission by service to others and fellowship with believers.

Bible prophecy preserves and strengthens the believer’s hope for the Second Advent with religious, social, and political trends and events. After a last big battle, called Armageddon, Jesus shall soon return to the earth to judge the living and the dead. According to the promise to Abraham, our patriarch, all believers shall be able to witness the rebirth of the nation of Israel, which point to the imminent return of Christ and the eventual establishment of God’s eternal kingdom on earth. Jesus’ earthly reign of one thousand years will be a universal kingdom in which all kingdoms, principalities, republics, powers, and enemies are overcome. Jesus Christ shall put all enemies under His feet and at the end turn over the kingdom to his Father. Ultimately, God will restore perfect harmony to all creation through Christ and reign eternally over the redeemed. He shall change or renew the earth into the paradise conditions that existed in the Garden of Eden. God will dwell with the redeemed in a new heaven and a new earth where no disappointment, defilement, or death can enter and where righteousness and peace will prevail forever.

Studying the Bible we can get to know what God wants from us. We do understand that though we are all sinners we can receive salvation by grace if we repent and change our lifestyle according to the Will of God. By the continuous study of the Bible, the Word of God can infiltrate in our being and change our attitude or lifestyle of love and service to Christ and dedication to God’s truth as revealed in the Scriptures.

We all have to become followers of Christ which means we have to follow the lessons and advice he gave his disciples. We also have to carry the message of the gospel into the world among our family and friends. Our serving God may not be limited to one day in the week, Sunday service or Sabbath. We always have to bring honour to God our Father in heaven and be worthy of His Name.

We would rather walk with God in the dark than go alone in the light, so that we can find God’s light for revelation and shining unto the path to the entrance of God’s Kingdom.

Comments on: "What we believe" (24)

  1. […] Sommige mensen denken dadelijk aan Jehovah Getuigen als zij Christenen Gods Naam horen noemen of horen dat deze Bijbelonderzoekers zijn. U mag er gerust op aan dat er gelukkig nog andere Christenen zijn die Gods Naam kennen en loven. Alsook zijn er ernstige Bijbelstudenten, Bijbelonderzoekers of Bijbelvorsers die niet behoren tot de Getuigen van Jehovah en ook niet volledig het zelfde denken als de Bijbelstudenten of Biblestudents. […]


  2. I keep getting comments from you that I receive as nothing but quotes from my blog. I have read several pages of your blog and I totally disagree with your remarks. I have been a Pentecostal minister, ordained in 1973. I have mixed and mingled with people from many Pentecostal denominations, and I have never met anybody in any Pentecostal churches that believes the things that YOU SAY they believe. I read as much and as often as I can, and as broad as I can and have never heard anybody say the things that you claim some Pentecostals believe. My one failing is that I have never preached in Belgium. Perhaps that is where the unsound Pentecostals abide. For that reason I really think a little more practical study on your behalf is needed to make proper conclusions and criticisms of where the Pentecostals stand.

    in Christ, to you Christian brothers,

    Keith Lannon.


    • Dear Mr. Lannon,

      “Some may think the gift of speaking in tongues is also a gift for some today” in Dutch “Sommigen denken dat de gave van het spreken in tongen ook een geschenk is voor sommigen vandaag” we wrote, without mentioning any denomination. In an other article we wrote also “But their talking at that time had nothing to do with what certain Christians today believe is ‘speaking in tongues’. ” (again no mentioning of a particular denomination). Even a wordsearch in all our articles did not bring any place where we wrote about Pentecostals. When we would have spoken about “born again Christian” we would not have spoken about Pentecostals alone, because you could say any person who comes into the light of Christ Jesus, and decides to follow him and his Father would be a “born again Christian” after his baptism.

      We do agree that we presented several articles to read by our church-members, customers and readers of this blog wrtitten by other writers from different denominations. Though we can not held responsible for what they wrote. The reason why we like to offer our readers others their writing is because we would love our readers and all our ecclesia members to think for them selves and to do the necessary research to form their belief. Opposite to other sorts of Bible Students, like the schism group or the American Bible Students, the Brooklyn Watchtower Organisation Jehovah Witnesses, we do not think only our members will be saved or once baptised always saved. We noticed in some of their writings (JW WTTS or JW bloggers) remarks about Catholics, Baptists and Pentecostals, on which some points we would also not agree. Perhaps your remarks are going about their writings.

      In case we should have said something about the United Pentecostal Church, Pentecostalism or Classical Pentecostalism, which is not true we would appreciate it if you would correct us.

      In our articles we thought not to go against certain specific movements, except we mentioned already some unjust sayings of the Jehovah Witness organisation about the founding fathers of the Bible Study Movement. This we had to do because many believers mistakenly take some Bible Student writers as Witnesses of Jehovah, though they have never been part of that Brooklyn organisation which is known today. At the other hand their writings also concern our movement directly, because many of the bible Student Movements come from the same source or have the same connections.

      In Belgium the non-trinitarian faith groups are contested a lot by the Pentecostal churches over here, but even that we did not mention before. We are also aware that the hate mail and very unchristian letters we receive in our mailboxes are individual matters and perhaps have not so much to do with the United Pentecostal Church but with individual pastors and individual Pentecostal believers, which are themselves responsible. Therefore we would never condemn the whole Pentecostal movement for such awful actions. We also know of figures and ex-Pentecostals publicly chastised, but we recognise that are phenomena we can find in many denominations and perhaps none of the many different denominations in the Christendom can go in the clear.

      When we mention(ed) in our writings the date 1914 we do(did) not have it about Pentecostalism that teaches according some writers that in 1914 another revelation was received than the one of in 1899, namely revealing that being baptized in “Jesus Name” became tenets of faith. (Law) … a formula! We also did not have it on the celebration of the one hundred years of the restoration of water baptism, according to them, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, which could be an interesting subject for some of our writings later this year. But we, like many Anabaptist, Baptists, Church of God, Abrahamic Faith churches do believe the baptism by going totally under water, has been done by many believers from the early times onwards until know. So it would not be only a specific element of the Pentecostal Church, and as such when we spoke about baptism and bringing people under water to whitewash them from their sins, we did not spoke as such about Pentecostalism, but about the baptism every Christian should receive. When we spoke about adult rebaptisms in the name of Jesus Christ we did not speak about the Pentecostals but about our own movement and the importance we give to such an act of showing your faith. So in our writings there, we also should not have written anything to object.

      Therefore we would be pleased in case you find something to reject as a pentecostal about something what we said about the Pentecostal Church we would appreciate it if you would correct that saying so that our readers or even better, people could see that there can be different pentecostal churches and that not all of them would react or have such actions going on like certain Low country Pentecostal Churches (Belgium & Holland or the Netherlands).

      That we in our writings also present writings from other denominations is because we do find it very important that people learn as much as possible about the biblical interpretation and other denominations, different opinions about different matters, so that they themselves can make their own choice or opinion.

      Opposite to many Christian Churches we do not believe that we are the only Church in which people can be saved. That would be not justified, because our organisation only started in the 19th century and that would mean that all the people before would have been lost. We do believe God is a loving and righteous God, who knows the heart. For Him what matters is the relation with Him, with His son and with other creatures (men, fauna and flora) of His Creation. We consider the many denominations as limbs of the Body of Christ and we do believe it is not made up to men to decide who can enter into the Kingdom of God. Only God can decide that, and He has given Jesus Christ (Jeshua) the right to judge the people. we are only a means by which people can come to God and as a work instrument in the Hand of God we may be happy (and honoured) that we can do the preaching or helping to spread the Good News.

      Naturally we do believe there are many big differences in what the denominations teach, and it is normal that we shall try to show those differences in the light of the Biblical teaching. For that reason we do let people themselves research what others say and to compare it with the Holy Scriptures.
      We do agree that the writings of others we do select, are but a small selection of writings we do think could be interesting for our readers to look at. By giving the quote we do hope we can get our readers interested to look further and to read the full article. We admit that articles where we totally disagree will not be mentioned in the list or our objections against it will be notified. so people in a certain way could always say we only present a subjective choice, but we try to give everybody an open forum and always offer the right to react.

      We do hope you understand our open attitude to others their writing and hope you will see that we sincerely want to do the truth honour where due. So in case you have some objections somewhere you and other readers or writers are welcome to say so.

      Yours sincerely,
      the Belgian Bible Students


      • Because of the grace you have extended to me by sending such a comprehensive and lengthy response, I bless you good people and wish only to ask you a few questions. 1. Why do I get the comment on the blog that is merely a section of my article? I do not understand the dynamics of the comment coming to me. 2. Is there really anybody who believes that unless a Christian is not baptised in the Spirit they are not saved? 3. Do you Belgian Bible Students see my writings in a good or bad light? I apologise if my first reply sound harsh. Having just read what I wrote I do believe I could have written it better. Yours sincerely, Keith Lannon


        • Dear Keith Lannon,

          apologies accepted.

          Why should we see your writing in a bad light?
          The writings or blogs to which we refer are writings, though they might be on a blog on which we do not agree on all the sayings, are offering something which can be useful to our readers. Otherwise we would not refer to such an article. In case we would not agree with an article but still refer to it, we would put our reaction on it as well and would have a referral to it because it still has something interesting to tell.

          The articles to which we referred and also some others on your site, which we read with much interest and joy, we liked very much. So accept our appreciation being able to have your writings available also for non-Pentecostals on the internet.

          According to our opinion every person is himself or herself responsible to make up his or her mind. We only can offer ideas and bring them in contact with articles which we do find interesting. Your site as such, has much to offer according to our opinion.


          About being baptised in the Spirit it depends how you understand that and how we or some other denominations would understand that. According to us it is God who is calling a person.

          It is the Holy Spirit which ignites a person to become a possible growing seed. We think it would be impossible for a person to become a good Christian without the Holy Spirit, or the Power of God. It is only by the Power of God that we can become in existence, grow, and become set-apart or ‘holy’.

          But there is a big difference in looking at the Holy Spirit by several denominations. For the big majority in Christianity, the Holy Spirit is an other godly being, while for us there is only One God, Jehovah. The Holy Spirit is the Being, the Essence, the Power, the Speaking, the Handling, the Hearing, the Full-bringing of the Most High Supreme Being.

          So we believe that a person has to be baptised in Spirit, but this understanding could be totally different of yours, or could perhaps be the same.


  3. Thank you for your thoughts, and for following my blog. May our Lord richly bless you.
    You might check out my gravatar for a concise view of the ministry that God has given to me. If you should decide to email me, please know that email addresses and names are maintained confidentially. May our Lord richly bless you. John 17:3


  4. Niko said:

    Do you have any members in germany ?


    • There are several bible Students of different organisations in Germany, though we do not have all their addresses.

      Christadelphian Biblestudents are there in
      Stadland, Bendingbostel, Mönchengladbach, Oberhausen, Sterkrade,Iserlohn, Hennef, Esslingen, Kornwestheim,Plochingen, Tübingen, Ostfildern, Zell U.A., Holzgerlingen, Filderstadt, Wildberg, Plochingen, Wernau and Bissingen-Ochsenwang


  5. […] What we believe … We believe that the universe once came into existence … but there has always been One God, the “I am who I am” … who has ever been and shall ever be and of whom are all things, whom no one has seen nor can see, … etc. please read more HERE […]


  6. “The Spirit is God’s presence and power”
    He is also, as Father and Son, A BEEN, PERSON with OWN MIND and WILL and CHARACTER.
    Those 3 are ONE GOD, which, i have my idea, what it should mean, yet i wont comment it, i say and take it, as it IS WRITTEN BY JESUS WORDS in The Bible.


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