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Posts tagged ‘Thorn-weeds or thistles’

Matthew 13:1-9 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Parable: the Soil and the Seed


Matthew 13:1-9 – Parable: the Soil and the Seed

|| Mark 4:1-9; Luke 8:4-8

MT13:1 After leaving the house that day Jesus was sitting by the sea. MT13:2 A large crowd approached Jesus so he moved into a boat and sat down. The large crowd was standing upon the beach. MT13:3 Jesus began to speak to them about many things in parables,[1] saying: “Look! A sower[2] went out to sow [seed]. MT13:4 In the process of sowing, some [seeds] fell beside the roadway,[3] and the birds came and swallowed them.[4] MT13:5 Other seeds fell upon roadside gravel where there was little dirt.[5] Right away the seed sprouted though the dirt was so meager. MT13:6 But, when the sun rose the sprouts were scorched, and since there was no root, they shriveled up. MT13:7 Other seeds fell upon thorn-weeds[6] and they sprouted and choked out the sprouts. MT13:8 And yet still other seeds fell upon good dirt[7] and fruitage was produced – some a hundred times, another sixty times, and another thirty times. MT13:9 Let the one with ears, hear.”[8]


[1] Parables: Or, GDSP: figures; BAS: in the form of a story; AMP: illustration. The Greek is PARABOLAIS. The word occurs in Matthew 17 times, Mark 13 times, Luke 18 times, but not in John. Many of the Nazarene’s teachings are in the form of parables.

[2] Sower: Farmers and herdsmen are familiar object lessons by the Nazarene. The Greek is SPEIRON (from SPERMA).

[3] Fell beside the roadway: Or, KJV: fell by the way side; TCNT: along the path.

[4] Swallowed them: Or, KJV: devoured them; PME: swooped down and gobbled them up.

[5] Roadside gravel where there was little dirt: Or, KJV: stony places; TCNT: rocky places; KJV: no deepness of earth; PME: shallow soil; KNX: because they had not sunk deep in the ground.

[6] Thorn-weeds: Or, NEB: thistles.

[7] Good dirt: Or, KJV: good ground; WMS: rich soil.

[8] Let the one with ears, hear: Compare the notes on Matthew 11:15; 13:43.



Matthew 12:46-50 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The True Family of Messiah

Matthew 13 – Parables on Kingdom mysteries


Additional reading

  1. How long to wait before bringing religiousness and spirituality in practice
  2. Looking for True Spirituality 5 Fruitage of the Spirit
  3. A Living Faith #3 Faith put into action
  4. A Living Faith #9 Our Manner of Life
  5. Apple of Gods eye
  6. Sow and harvests in the garden of your heart
  7. You cannot change anything in your life with intention alone
  8. Bearing fruit
  9. Picking Stones
  10. Seeds and weeds for being the greatest nation
  11. Seeds, weeds and kingdoms



Related reading
  1. Matthew 13:1-12 Jan 18 (KJV/NKJV Comparison)
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