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Matthew 24:4-8 – The Answer: Part One – Beware Being Misled

|| Mark 13:5-8; Luke 21:8-11

MT24:4 And, Jesus answered them:[1] “Look out no one misleads you. MT24:5 For many will come using my name,[2] saying: ‘I AM THE ANOINTED!’[3] {MK13:6 Or, ‘I AM HE!’[4] LK21:8 Or, ‘THE APPOINTED TIME HAS COME!’[5] Do not follow them![6]} They will mislead many![7] MT24:6 But, you will hear of wars and reports of wars and catastrophes.[8] Do not be terrified[9] for these early occurrences are a necessity. But, the End[10] does not occur immediately. MT24:7 For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and here and there {LK21:11 pestilence and} famines and earthquakes.[11] MT24:8 But, all these things are a beginning of birth-pangs.[12]


[1] Jesus answered them: Note the very thing Jesus mentions is a warning which would indicate his insight into their misunderstanding and the human tendency to want signs (1 Corinthians 1:22; Matthew 12:39) or to know the future (Acts 1:6). Evidently, the disciples wanted to know a precise “day and hour” for Jesus later explains he does not know this (Matthew 24:36). Perhaps the main verse on the whole subject is, ‘Look out no one misleads you,’ but sadly Jesus predicts ‘many will be mislead.’ (Matthew 24:11)

[2] Using my name: Or, using my authority; claiming I sent them. A characteristic of these deceivers is their claim that only they represent Christ. They are identified by several other features: the claim, ‘Christ is here!’ and ‘The Time is at hand!’ and ‘I (we are) am The Anointed!’ Some claim Christ’s authority because of apostolic succession, a personal appearance, or singular understanding by the Spirit’s direction. The claim ‘I am the Christ (or, Anointed)’ could be by a body or organization asserting particular channels to Christ (1 Corinthians 1:13; 12:12). In other words, they are the only group or sect that is truly Christian.

[3] THE ANOINTED: Or, the Christ; the Messiah. See the above footnote.

[4] I AM HE: A claim to actually be the Messiah or even God Himself.

[5] THE APPOINTED TIME HAS COME: Or, ‘the time is at hand.’ Anyone who claims to know more than Christ (Matthew 24:36) and predicts the exact date for the Presence (parousia) or Return of Christ is arrogant in the extreme. Jesus does not know this “appointed time” (Matthew 24:36; Mark 13:32) nor can his disciples (Mark 13:33). At Acts 1:7 Jesus cautioned his disciples, ‘It is not for you to know times or appointed times.’ Anyone who claimed to have worked out some time chronology or prophetic “appointed times” would presume to know more than Christ and his Apostles. The hundreds of men and groups or organizations who have claimed such throughout the centuries are sadly well known. Not only might some claim Christ’s authority but they will also claim to know “the appointed time.” Others translate this: “The Time Is At Hand!” (By); “the time is near” (NIV); “the Day is upon us” (NEB) This ought to be a serious warning to any Christian teacher or group not to go around predicting such things; and, for any lay-person to refrain from taken such seriously, or fearing them as if they had authority (Deuteronomy 18:20-22).

[6] Do not follow them: Could anything be clearer? The Jerusalem Bible renders this: “Do not join them.” What to “join” and what not to “join” the Nazarene makes certain: none claiming, ‘THE TIME IS AT HAND!’

[7] They will mislead many: Jesus knows the result because he knows human nature. Millions have followed various sects or charismatic preachers whose teachings are associated with the claim that ‘THE TIME IS AT HAND’ or ‘THE APPOINTED TIME IS NEAR!’ It is in the fallen egocentric nature of man to assume Christ must return while they are alive!

[8] You will hear of wars and reports of wars and catastrophes: It follows upon Jesus’ warning that the disciples are not to interpret or read into various local or world happenings as proof “the appointed time is near.” What has actually been interpreted as “signs of the last days” is in fact part of the warning not to be misled by world events. So, the very thing Jesus warned about, religious men have turned into certain “signs” and these men have multiplied throughout the centuries taking advantage of every new report of war, revolutions, catastrophes, famines, pestilence, earthquakes, or comets. Today is no different.

[9] Do not be terrified: It should be kept in mind the Nazarene is speaking to “you” (plural in Greek) which means the four disciples before him (Mark 13:3). The Apostles are not to fear any news reports, whether local or distant, as proof “the end” is near.

[10] The End: Here the translator of the Hebrew words of the Nazarene into Greek puts TO TELOS (the end) into Jesus’ mouth. SYNTELEIAS, the word used to translate possibly kalah from the disciples, is a more heightened and sophisticated word which means roughly the same thing as “the end.” SYNTELEIAS = SYN + TELOS = with + end, like saying conclusion, consummation or fulfillment. What “end” would the disciples have in mind? The desolation of the Temple and the “end” of Jerusalem. Note, Jesus never uses SYNTELEIAS in his answer, but always TELOS; and this only in the first half of the answer. When the Nazarene says “the End” here would he be referring to the “end” of the Temple? Between Jesus’ answer and the final destruction of the Temple the disciples could expect to hear of wars, disorders, famines, plagues, and earthquakes.

[11] Famines and earthquakes: War, pestilence, famines, and earthquakes are reoccurring events which always serve the purpose of the current prophet with his false prophecies pointing to his claim, ‘THE TIME IS AT HAND!’ If Jesus warns about such false prophecies how could he go on to list such things as evidence of a “sign” for any generation could be misled by such?

[12] A beginning of birth-pangs: All of these events can be understood to be part of the warning not to be misled by local or world news. It is all so general as to be meaningless if applied to a specific “sign” to precede the Return of Christ. Generations throughout the centuries have seen all of these and experienced those “prophets” who took financial advantage of the innocent among The Elect.



Signs of the last days when difficult times will come

Matthew 7:13-23 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The True Disciple #3 Matthew 7:21-23 The ones Jesus never knew

Matthew 7:15-20 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The True Disciple #2 False prophets and fruitage

Matthew 13:47-50 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Parable of the Dragnet

Matthew 24 about temples or Houses of God and the end of the age

Matthew 24:1-2 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Desolation, Oppression and the Parousia – The Setting

Matthew 24:3 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Desolation, Oppression and the Parousia – The Apostles’ Question


Additional reading

  1. Prophecies over coming days
  2. Looking into the Future
  3. As you see the Day approaching
  4. Sign of the Times and the Last Days #2 Wars, natural disasters, famine and false Messiahs
  5. Signs of the Last Days
  6. The Conclusion of the System of Things


Further, related

  1. Are you faithful—or looking for a “sign”?
  2. Looking for a Sign
  3. Looking for a sign (Jn 2:18-2:18)
  4. The Counterfeit – April 10, 2019
  5. Best Christian Video “The True Cannot Be False” | How to Discern the True Christ and False Christs (Skit)
  6. Even the elect could be deceived: learn how not to fall for satan’s final deception
  7. The Impurity Of Thought In Our Modern Society

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  1. […] Matthew 24:4-8 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The Answer: Part One – Beware Being Misled […]


  2. […] Matthew 24:4-8 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The Answer: Part One – Beware Being Misled […]


  3. […] Matthew 24:4-8 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The Answer: Part One – Beware Being Misled […]


  4. […] Matthew 24:4-8 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The Answer: Part One – Beware Being Misled […]


  5. […] Matthew 24:4-8 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The Answer: Part One – Beware Being Misled […]


  6. […] Matthew 24:4-8 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The Answer: Part One – Beware Being Misled […]


  7. […] Matthew 24:4-8 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The Answer: Part One – Beware Being Misled […]


  8. […] Matthew 24:4-8 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The Answer: Part One – Beware Being Misled […]


  9. […] Matthew 24:4-8 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The Answer: Part One – Beware Being Misled […]


  10. […] Matthew 24:4-8 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The Answer: Part One – Beware Being Misled […]


  11. […] Matthew 24:4-8 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The Answer: Part One – Beware Being Misled […]


  12. […] Matthew 24:4-8 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The Answer: Part One – Beware Being Misled […]


  13. […] Matthew 24:4-8 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The Answer: Part One – Beware Being Misled […]


  14. […] Matthew 24:4-8 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The Answer: Part One – Beware Being Misled […]


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