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Posts tagged ‘Jewish nation’

Pesach and a lot of brokenness in the world

Remembering the exodus, the liberation of God’s people and the liberation of all sinners we must confess the world does seem to be in an even worse state than at the time of the wanderers in the desert at the time of Moses and Aaron.

English: Flag of Israel with the Mediterranean...

Flag of Israel with the Mediterranean sea in the background, in Rishon LeZion. עברית: דגל ישראל בראשון לציון (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

From 1948 God’s people should have been more happy finding a soil to be worked at to become a greater nation. As we have seen in the Old Testament when God’s people got liberated and found an opening to receive the best of God, they themselves doubted and they themselves went other ways. In the 21st century the people of Israel may have undergone the worst test, being encircles, imprisoned in ghetto walls, then in camps, facing the most cruel abasement. You would think many would learn from it. But strangely enough now they also do not seem to worry to degrade other people. Today many Jews living in what has to become their Holy Land bring indignity over it. Without shame they now also put up great walls to keep others out. They now too bring indignation over the world.

We can see that lots in power in Israel are not religious any more, whilst others are fundamentalists, who take the words like they want to transfer it in their mind, but not according God’s Will. No wonder that the nation Israel of today is ripped apart, which could be seen throughout this last election season in Israel.  Also the different negotiations with other communities and their reactions against the Palestinians, Iranians and the European Court of Higher Judges and of Human Rights. Some clearly show no respect for people God allowed to judge and to help people guide their life.

Israeli army using Palestinians as human shields

Israeli army using Palestinians as human shields (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The reaction of the State Israel shows clearly how by the disintegration of the Godly values the Jewish nation has fallen into two main groups, a civil Judaic group who has clearly no ear for God’s Word but likes to call on it. When you look at how they treat others, how they act on people with an other belief, and on human ethical values we can pose many questions.

But we should have hope. We have God’s promise of the Land of hope and glory. God’s promise shall come true. even when we see a lot of people working against it.

We can only hope that in these coming days they shall take time to meditate on their important role they should play in worlds history. That they may find their and our redemption story that joins may people in this world together.

Anita Silvert in her Jewish Gems writes:

Let our voices cry out against oppression and slavery as they did so long ago.  Our cries reached God’s ears – may they do so again.

Let our voices sing the words of praise and gratitude for our good fortune, and awareness for those who have less.

Let our voices rejoice at our blessings.  Let our hearts and our tables be filled with the faces of those we love.  Let us begin our journey to Sinai together, marching out into our own wilderness, hoping to find the way.

What other story lends itself to such meaning and layers?  It is both our history and our future.

Chag sameach – Happy and Sweet Passover to us all. {Pesach 5775 – our history and our future}


  • The Question of Jewish Identity (
    Shlomo Sand’s gracefully written and translated short book, How I Stopped Being a Jew, deals with a question many have wondered about but have been afraid to ask: What makes someone a Jew? While it has been a puzzle from time immemorial, it is more salient today as Israel welcomes all deemed Jewish, regardless of their nationality or religious beliefs (or lack of them). On the other hand, non-Jews (25% of Israelis), even if born and resident in Israel, are not quite full citizens of the Jewish state.

    “If the United States of America decided tomorrow that it was not the state of all American citizens but rather the state of those persons around the whole world who identify as Anglo-Saxon Protestants, it would bear a striking resemblance to the Jewish State of Israel.” (p. 82)

    Sand is an Israeli, and a secular and atheist Jew, defined by his parentage as Jewish by the state of Israel. He is a professor at Tel Aviv University, specializing in French history. He is best known as the author of two controversial books, The Invention of the Jewish People (2009) and The Invention of the Land of Israel (2012).

  • Blood Moon 2015: What Hagee Didn’t Bother to Mention (
    Hagee’s assertion is that there are four of these “blood moons” (not a scientific term) in a row, one of which lands on Easter. He believes that these four in a row are significant because they all land on Jewish Holy Days.
  • A response to Michael Douglas (
    Michael Douglas, in his op-ed piece in last Sunday’s LA Times, “Finding Judaism, facing anti-Semitism”, tells a compelling story about his young son encountering an anti-Semite at a hotel pool in southern Europe who shouted insults at him because he was wearing a Star of David. While everyone can agree it’s important to stand up against anti-Semitism, it’s also important to reject false claims of anti-Semitism used as an ad hominem sword to protect Israel and the actions of its government from criticism.  Where real anti-Semitism is present, as in the despicable incident involving Michael’s young son, it needs to be named and shamed and hopefully soon eradicated.   Where it’s not, where it’s used as a tactic to protect Israel from valid criticism, we need to reject it and avoid the slippery slope that reduces claims of anti-Semitism to little more than political theatre.


  • An Islamic Reformation is the world’s best chance for peace (
    Because both Christianity and Judaism were profoundly changed by the Reformation and the European Enlightenment. The Enlightenment’s apostles included large figures from the Christian tradition — David Hume, Immanuel Kant and Rene Descartes; and from the Jewish, in Baruch Spinoza and Moses Mendelsohn. They, and a legion of others, thought “freedom and toleration were … essential to the pursuit of enquiry, both religious and secular.” Their belief became, especially in France, a cause, a militant proclamation of freedom of thought and of publication, a definition of the rights of man.
  • “Jew Hatred: It’s in the Quran”: the Latest Bus Ad Campaign to Hit Philadelphia (
    From Ancient Egypt up to 1945, all of them were anti-judaics. All. And even those who may have written some positive things about them, they were philo-semites for reasons which would now be considered anti-semitic. Recently, the French MSM have realized that one of the greatest architects of the XXth century, Le Corbusier,was a staunch anti-judaic. Oh dear…
  • Jewish Rabbi Compares President Obama to Evil Haman who Tried to Kill all the Jews (

    For American Christians the story of Queen Esther and Mordecai in the Old Testament is one that reminds us that the entire history of the Jewish people has been filled with persecution and attempts at genocide. Haman was a vizier in the Persian (Iran) Empire under Xerxes I, and Haman desperately hated the Jewish people.

    The story has played itself out in similar fashion several times throughout history, and while things may look bleak for a time, the Jewish people have always persevered and survived. However, some are worried that the Jewish people may have met their match in President Barack Obama.

    The chief Rabbi of Efrat in Israel, Rabbi Shlomo Rifkin, recently connected President Obama to the great villain Haman. Speaking at the Jerusalem Great Synagogue Rabbi Rifkin said,

    “The president of the United States is lashing out at Israel just like Haman lashed out at the Jews. I’m not making a political statement. I’m making a Jewish statement.”

  • Ted Cruz Another Israeli Mouthpiece (
  • Come with me to Israel & Jordan. Here are the details on The Joshua Fund’s 2015 “Prayer & Vision Tour of the Holy Land.” (
  • The Perplexing Question Of Why Most American Jews Are Liberals Answered (
  • Living on the East Side of Jordan (
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