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Posts tagged ‘Matthew 15:21-28’

Mark 7 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Mark 7:24-30 – A Syro-phoenician Woman

Mark 7:24-30 – A Syro-phoenician Woman

|| Matthew 15:21-28[1]

MK7:24 Now after this Jesus rose and traveled[2] to the borders of Tyre and Sidon and there he entered a certain house. He wanted to remain unrecognized[3] but he could not escape discovery. MK7:25 Because a certain woman whose young daughter had an unclean demon heard of him and came and fell at his feet. MK7:26 The woman was a Greek from Syro-phoenicia,[4] and she begged Jesus that he exorcise the demon from her daughter. MK7:27 But Jesus said to her: “Allow the ‘children’ to eat and be satisfied first. Because it is not proper[5] to take the children’s bread and throw it to the little dogs.”[6] MK7:28 However, the woman answered Jesus and said to him: “True, Lord, and yet even the little dogs under the table eat the crumb’s the children spill.” MK7:29 So Jesus said to her: “Because of that statement, go now. The demon has left your daughter.” MK7:30 Now when she had returned home she discovered the demon had gone and her daughter lay resting on her bed.


[1] Matthew 15:21-28: For details see notes in Nazarene Commentary 2000 on Matthew.

[2] Traveled: Over 50-70 miles.

[3] He wanted to remain unrecognized: He travels 50-70 miles to enjoy some peace and quiet.

[4] Syro-phoenicia: Ancient Canaanites and modern Palestine. This is the land from which Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and English all find their roots.

[5] It is not proper: Or: right, fair. In a moment Jesus will do what he first said was not right or proper. Jesus has come only to call “the lost sheep of the House of Israel.”

[6] Little dogs: Though some say “dogs” the Greek is diminutive and refers to puppies. “Dog” was a derogatory term used by the self-righteous Jews.



Mark 7 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Mark 7:1-8 – Vain Worship and Human Doctrines

Mark 7 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Mark 7:9-16 – Invalidating God’s Word

Mark 7 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Mark 7:17-23 – How to Defile the Heart

Matthew 15:1-20 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Tradition and the Heart

Matthew 15:21-28 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Giving Bread to Puppies

Matthew 23:25-26 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Woe 5: Greed and Unclean


Additional reading

  1. Today’s thought “Out of the heart … come …” (February 11)

Matthew 15:21-28 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Giving Bread to Puppies

Matthew 15:21-28 – Giving Bread to Puppies

|| Mark 7:24-30

MT15:21 Leaving there Jesus withdrew into the area of[1] Tyre and Sidon. MT15:22 And, look! a Canaanite[2] woman from the region came out yelling, “Have mercy on me, Master, Son of David, for my daughter is horribly demonized!”[3] MT15:23 But Jesus did not answer her with a single word. The disciples of Jesus approached him, requesting, “Get rid of her,[4] because she keeps following us, yelling crazily.”[5] MT15:24 Now Jesus answered them, “I was sent only to[6] the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”[7] MT15:25 But, the woman approached and bowed to the earth on her knees,[8] saying, “Master, help me.” MT15:26 Jesus told her, “It is not right[9] to take the bread of the children[10] and throw it to little dogs.”[11] MT15:27 The woman responded, “Yes, Master, but the little dogs do eat from those crumbs spilling from their masters’ table.” MT15:28 Finally, Jesus said to her, “O, woman, your faith is great. Let what you want happen.” And her daughter was healed in that very hour.


[1] Withdrew into the area of: A fifty-mile walk northeast to the coast of Syro-phoenicia.

[2] Canaanite: The Greek is CANAANAIA is also rendered: NWT: Phoenician. This is modern Palestine the cradle of language which began with Hebrew to Greek to Latin to English.

[3] Horribly demonized: Or, KJV: grievously vexed with a devil; WEY: cruelly harassed; LAM: seriously afflicted with insanity.

[4] Get rid of her: Or, KJV: send her away; KNX: rid us of her. The disciples have little patience for this vexed mother.

[5] Yelling crazily: The Greek is CRAZEI. Or, MOF: wailing

[6] I was sent only to: Jesus has a precise commission from his Father and cannot waver from it.

[7] Lost sheep of the house of Israel: Jesus was sent from heaven, not to seek the world of mankind, but those willing Jews in Israel. Jesus is later to say that after he ascends to heaven he would draw all kinds of people. These were the Non-Jews whom he calls “other sheep.” (John 10:16)

[8] Bowed to the earth on her knees: The Greek is PROSEKUNEI. Or, KJV: worshipped; RHM: began bowing down; WEY: threw herself at his feet; MOF: knelt before him. See notes elsewhere on worship or PROSKUNEO.

[9] It is not right: Having said this, Jesus is soon to do what he said it was not right (good, fine) to do.

[10] The children: The lost sheep of Israel.

[11] Little dogs: The Greek is KYNARIOS. Or, KJV: dogs; RHM: little dogs; BECK: puppies. Some might consider the remark racist or filled with ethnic prejudice. However, he softens his metaphor in “puppies” and we may suspect his manner and facial expression was kindly and sympathetic. He may also have said it more for his disciples’ benefit.



Matthew 10:5-10 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Jesus’ Orders: Territory, Theme, Trust

Matthew 15:1-20 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Tradition and the Heart



  1. Jesus loves lost people
  2. Lost Sheep
  3. Jesus Pointing to “The Lost Sheep of the house of Israel” and “the Gentiles”
  4. Bible Study Notes on Matthew 15:1-28 – 20180117
  5. How Church Should Be (Matthew 15:10–28)
  6. Not Us and Them, Only Us- a prayer based on Matthew 15.21-28
  7. Why I’m Soul Sister to a Dog: The Canaanite Woman & Me
  8. Pride and the Canaanite
  9. Compassion: It is Never too Late
  10. Charlottesville, A Sassy Woman, and the Dismantling of Racism [Mt 15:21-28]
  11. Thank God, God has a sense of humor
  12. A Few Crumbs to Nibble On
  13. Human Cry to Christ
  14. Are You Teachable?
  15. Reminiscere (Lent 2) Sermon, 2018
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