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Posts tagged ‘to Take up the sword’

Matthew 26 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The Last days of Jesus Christ #11 Matthew 26:48-56 – Betrayal by Judas and Arrest of Jesus

Matthew 26:48-56 – Betrayal by Judas and Arrest of Jesus

|| Mark 14:44-50; Luke 22:47b-53; John 18:2-11

MT26:48 Now the one who was going to hand over Jesus had given them a sign, saying, “The One I am likely to kiss is him. Seize him!” MT26:49 So Judas ran[1] and approached Jesus and called out, “Greetings, Rabbi!”[2] He then gently kissed Jesus.[3] MT26:50 But, Jesus said to Judas, “Friend,[4] why are you here?” At that moment the crowd came at Jesus and grabbed him and arrested him. MT26:51 Now, look! one of the apostles with Jesus reached for his sword and unsheathed it. [Peter][5] struck the slave of the chief priest and slashed off his ear. MT26:52 It was then Jesus told [Peter]: “Return your sword to its scabbard. For all those who take up the sword will perish by the sword. MT26:53 Is it unthinkable on your part that I am unable to plead to my Father so that He will furnish me at this moment more than twelve legions of angels? MT26:54 This is how the Scriptures should be fulfilled[6] because it was necessary for this to occur.” MT26:55 Then at that moment Jesus asked the mob, “Did you come out with swords and clubs to drop upon me like a thief to arrest me? Day after day I sat in the Temple area teaching and you did not attempt to arrest me. MT26:56 But this whole matter has occurred so that the Writings of the Prophets might be fulfilled.” Right then all the disciples deserted Jesus and escaped.


[1] Ran: The Greek is EU-THEOS (good + ran). The root of THEOS (God) is from the Greek for “running” or motion.

[2] Greetings, Rabbi: Or, ASV: Hail, Rabbi; WEY: peace to you; WMS: good evening. The Greek KHAIRE is a general greeting which is rooted in “rejoice.”

[3] Gently kissed Jesus: Or, WMS: affectionately kissed him; NW: kissed him very tenderly. The Judas-kiss.

[4] Friend: Or, MOF: My man; NW: fellow. The NIV Spanish uses Amigo here.

[5] Peter: John 18:10 adds, “Then Simon Peter, as he had a sword…”

[6] The Scriptures should be fulfilled: John 18:6-9 adds, “However, when he said to them: ‘I am [he],’ they drew back and fell to the ground. Therefore he asked them again: ‘Whom are you looking for?’ They said: ‘Jesus the Nazarene.’ Jesus answered: ‘I told you I am [he]. If, therefore, it is I you are looking for, let these go’; in order that the word might be fulfilled which he said: ‘Of those whom you have given me I have not lost a single one.’” (NW) See John 6:39. Compare Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53. Daniel 9:26 foretells: “And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah will be cut off, with nothing for himself.” This is the end of three and a half years beginning in the fall of 29 CE. Psalm 41:9 predicted: “Also the man at peace with me, in whom I trusted, who was eating my bread, has magnified [his] heel against me.” John 13:18 quotes this Psalm and applies it to Judas, the betrayer of Jesus.



Matthew 26 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The Last days of Jesus Christ #1 Matthew 26:1-2 – Two Days Before Execution

Matthew 26 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The Last days of Jesus Christ #2 Matthew 26:3-5 – Plotting to Seize Jesus

Matthew 26 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The Last days of Jesus Christ #3 Matthew 26:6-13 – A Woman to Be Remembered

Matthew 26 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The Last days of Jesus Christ #4 Matthew 26:14-16 – The Price of Betrayal

Matthew 26 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The Last days of Jesus Christ #5 Matthew 26:17-19 – Passover Preparations

Matthew 26 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The Last days of Jesus Christ #6 Matthew 26:20-25 – The Last Passover

Matthew 26 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The Last days of Jesus Christ #7 Matthew 26:26-30 – Keep Doing This in My Memory

Matthew 26 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The Last days of Jesus Christ #8 Matthew 26:31-35 – How All Will Be Stumbled This Night

Matthew 26 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The Last days of Jesus Christ #9 Matthew 26:36-39 – Garden Prayer

Matthew 26 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The Last days of Jesus Christ #10 Matthew 26:40-47 – Two More Prayers for the Cup to Pass

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