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De genocide in Rwanda. De wreedheden in voormalig Joegoslavië. En meer recent de gebeurtenissen in Darfur, Libië en Syrië. Het zijn menselijke drama’s die in ons collectieve geheugen gegrift staan. Hoe kunnen wij dergelijke wreedheden stoppen of, beter nog, voorkomen?
Deze vraag maakte ook doorheen de jaren opgang binnen de Verenigde Naties. De VN beantwoordde deze vraag met “de verantwoordelijkheid van de internationale gemeenschap om mensen wereldwijd te beschermen, over de grenzen heen”.

Nooit meer oorlog

Regelmatig zouden wij er bij moeten stil staan. Na de eerste wereldoorlog riep iedereen ‘Nooit meer oorlog’. Er werd zelfs aan de Ijzer een monument opgericht om hoog boven het platte polderland een baken te zijn ter herinnering van de wreedheden, die nooit meer mochten plaats vinden. Nochtans is het nooit opgehouden met die onnoemelijke ingrepen in vele mensenlevens, waarbij de mens zich meer ging uiten als onwezenlijk dier.

Na Wereld Oorlog II werd er ook veel gepalaverd en hoopte men in gebundelde eenheid over de vrede te kunnen waken. Maar wat hebben al die vergaderingen eigenlijk teweeg gebracht? Wat heeft de Verenigde Naties kunnen verwezenlijken? Wat hebben hun debatten en verordeningen uit gemaakt?

SG-VN Ban Ki-Moon en minister Rosenthal  tijde...

SG-VN Ban Ki-Moon en minister Rosenthal tijdens het Nederlandse event Responsibility to Protect (Photo credit: Nederland en de VN)

Responsibility to Protect (R2P) werd als norm door de Verenigde Naties in 2005 aanvaard. Het behelst de verantwoordelijkheid van zowel landen als de internationale gemeenschap om mensen wereldwijd te beschermen tegen massawreedheden zoals genocide en etnische zuivering. Recente voorbeelden waar dit principe werd ingeroepen zijn Kenia en Libië.

Wie draagt er die verantwoordelijkheid en hoe wordt er al of niets opgevolgd dat door een gemeenschap van weredwijde burgers overeen gekomen is?

English: The United Nations Security Council C...

English: The United Nations Security Council Chamber in New York, also known as the Norwegian Room Français: La Salle de réunion du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies à New York Nederlands: De Zaal van de Veiligheidsraad van de Verenigde Naties in New York (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Dag van de Vrede

Van 21 september, Internationale Dag van de Vrede, tot 2 oktober 2012, Internationale Dag van de Geweldloosheid, heeft de 23ste Vredesweek plaats.

Een hele week om dag na dag eens te overlopen hoe het werkelijk gesteld is met de wereld en hoe mensen zich daarin willen gedragen.

Startavond van de Vredesweek zal plaats grijpen in het Bisdom Antwerpen, waar op Woensdag 12 september 2012, om 20 uur in het Theologisch en Pastoraal Centrum
Groenenborgerlaan 149, 2020 Antwerpen, zal gesproken worden over hoe een gewapend conflict kan vermeden worden.

Gastspreker is Etienne De Jonghe, voormalig Secretaris Generaal van Pax Christi Internationalis zal kijken naar drie pijlers van “verantwoordelijkheid tot bescherming”: (1)
verantwoordelijkheid tot preventie, (2) verantwoordelijkheid tot reageren en (3) verantwoordelijkheid tot heropbouw. Wat is daarin dan de rol van de politiek in België, de NAVO, de Europese Unie en deVerenigde Naties.

Wachten tot het overkookt

Onder de slogan ‘Wachten tot het overkookt?’ ijveren de Vredesweekpartners ervoor om meer in te zetten op het voorkomen van massawreedheden met geweldloze middelen.

In welke mate kan men stellen dat de burgers wereldwijd beschermd worden tegen massawreedheden? Als men nu naar Syrië kijkt en ziet hoe de gemeenschap er maar laat begaan, ook al zijn er zo veel verordeningen voorgelegd. Dagelijks worden wij via de nieuwsbeelden op het kleine scherm geconfronteerd met meerdere misdaden tegen de mensheid. Maar door dat het ‘zo ver van ons bed’ is valt het voor de meeste mensen wel mee en gat het hun zo voorbij.

Als christenen moeten wij ons echter de vraag stellen in welke mate wij ons zulke genocide, etnische zuivering, oorlogsmisdaden en misdaden tegen de mensheid, zo maar voor onze ogen kunnen laten voorbij gaan.

De bescherming is in de eerste plaats de verantwoordelijkheid van elke soevereine staat. De R2P-norm stelt echter dat, indien een staat dit niet kan of wil doen, de internationale gemeenschap moet assisteren of interveniëren. Het creëren van de R2P-norm is natuurlijk één zaak. Met deze norm de beoogde doelstellingen bereiken, een heel andere.

De partners van de Vredesweek zetten de uitdagingen van de norm in de kijker. De Vredesweek wil de focus van het debat rond R2P verleggen van de ‘verantwoordelijkheid tot reageren’ op massawreedheden naar de ‘verantwoordelijkheid tot preventie’ van massawreedheden.

Debatten en Gespreksavonden

Om de campagne gestalte te geven worden onder meer zes debatten opgezet waarin de thematiek verder wordt uitgediept, in dialoog met politici, experts en (internationale) vredesactivisten.

– 12 september te Antwerpen: Hoe een gewapend conflict voorkomen?
Wachten tot het overkookt? Preventie als middel tegen massawreedheden. Met een uiteenzetting van Etienne De Jonghe, 30 jaar drijvende kracht en algemeen secretaris van Pax Christi International

– 20 september te Brussel: MO Debat: Responsibility to Protect – the right to intervene to prevent and stop mass atrocities: for or against? Met o.a. ambassadeur van de Afrikaanse Unie bij de EU en prof. Luc Reychler (KULeuven)

– 24 september te Antwerpen: Gespreksavond: Rusland & R2P met Jan Balliauw (VRT) – 25 september te Antwerpen: Debat: Wachten tot het overkookt? – Wat kan Europa doen om massawreedheden te voorkomen? Met vier EU-parlementsleden

– 26 september te Brussel: ‘Verantwoordelijkheid tot Bescherming in Burundi’ met vredesweekgetuige uit Burundi

– 2 oktober te Antwerpen: ‘MO Debat: De zin en onzin van geweldloze actie’


Meer activiteiten van en informatie over de campagne en haar thema is te vinden op de website:



  • The Syrian Abstention (
    History tells us that intervention is helped when expressed in moral terms, and it is filled with examples of the intervenor’s misuse of good ideas for nefarious purposes. Is the new interventionism – at least as practised and discussed in the Middle East over the past year – an indication that the principled R2P doctrine is now firmly in the grip of those whose acceptance of the principle has always been conditional?”
  • UN: Armed Intervention May be Necessary in Syria (
    At a meeting on September 5, the United Nations (UN) reaffirmed its ultimate goal of eradicating national sovereignty. The favorite weapon at the moment is the principle known as Responsibility to Protect (R2P).

    Agreed to by the UN General Assembly at a summit of world leaders in 2005, R2P purports to grant the global government power to decide whether a individual nations are properly exercising their sovereignty.

    UN literature describes R2P as the concept that holds “States responsible for shielding their own populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and related crimes against humanity and requires the international community to step in if this obligation is not met.”

    That is to say, if the UN determines that a national government is not voluntarily conforming to the UN’s idea of safety then the “international community” will impose its will by force, all for the protection of that nation’s citizens.

    Samantha Power rose to prominence in government circles as part of her campaign to promote a doctrine known as the Responsibility to Protect.

    Responsibility to Protect (also known as Responsibility to Act) is a doctrine advanced by the United Nations and is predicated on the proposition that sovereignty is a privilege not a right and that if any regime in any nation violates the prevailing precepts of acceptable governance, then the international community is morally obligated to revoke that nation’s sovereignty and assume command and control of the offending country.

    The three pillars of the United Nations-backed Responsibility to Protect are:

    1. A state has a responsibility to protect its population from mass atrocities,
    2. The international community has a responsibility to assist the state if it is unable to protect its population on its own, and
    3. If the state fails to protect its citizens from mass atrocities and peaceful measures have failed, the international community has the responsibility to intervene through coercive measures such as economic sanctions. Military intervention is considered the last resort.

    Given Powers’ remarks and the current public relations campaign to prepare people for new military operations, the situation in Syria seems ideally suited for the attention of the APB and for the carrying out of the United Nation’s “Responsibility to Protect.”


  • The United States, The United Nations, And The World (
    There has been a lot of talk in the news lately about how the United Nations is going to take over sovereignty  of the United States. Well once again I will try to rectify a few things so you can have an intelligent view of the subject.

    How can we show other countries what we feel is the right way to live when our own back yard is full of _______.?

    We had a saying when I was in the Army ” Lead-Follow-Or Get The Hell Out.” Not not everyone has what it takes to be a leader, before you can be a leader you must understand how to follow. Then those around you are more likely to TRUST YOU.
    That my friends is the main thing missing in this country today TRUST.


  • US will refuse bid to give United Nations control over the internet (
  • Model United Nations – New York vs Your Hometown MUN (
  • Syria – More vocal support against Western Intervention. (
    Daraya Massacre: A war crime for sure, but whose?
    Has another opposition-instigated massacre been pinned on the Assad government in Damascus for the purpose of furthering the West’s campaign of regime change in Syria?
  • Syria: The Arab Spring Turns into an Arab Nightmare in Syria (
    The United Nations Security Council and the international community should not place too much hope in the impossible mission Lakhdar Brahimi has assumed, taking over from Kofi Annan as the new joint Special Representative of the UN Secretary General and the Arab League in Syria.
    Of all the Arab Spring conflicts, therefore, the Syrian revolution that started in January 2011 continues to spiral out of control, claiming over 17 000 deaths and climbing, about 70% of whom were civilians.

    The fundamental reason for the failure of the international community, in the form of the UN, to exercise its responsibility for a timely and decisive response in Syria is the nature of the UN Security Council and the lack of consensus between its so-called P3 – France, UK and the US – and its P2 – China and the Russian Federation.

    The UN Security Council failed in its first attempt to pass a strong draft resolution in early February 2012, urging President Bashar al-Assad to step down, because of China and Russia choosing to exercise their veto power. That failure was also attributable to non-permanent members like South Africa, which, as president of the Council, first voted with the majority (12:3) for the draft resolution, but then raised concerns about foreign intervention in Syria:

    … the Syrian people [should] be allowed to decide their own fate, including their future leadership … fundamentally, no foreign or external parties should interfere in Syria as they engage in the critical decision-making processes on the future of their country. Any solution must preserve the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria.

  • Mass Atrocity Crimes Are Everybody’s, Not Nobody’s, Business (
    Petrasek’s ‘new interventionists’ seem to embrace not only R2P supporters who understand and accept that coercive military intervention is defensible only in the most extreme, exceptional and clearly defined circumstances, but also latter-day enthusiasts for the kind of  ‘humanitarian intervention’ or ‘right to intervene’ doctrine re-popularised, after a century’s lapse, by Bernard Kouchner in the 1990s, and more recently embraced by commentators like Anne-Marie Slaughter, who is a fine scholar but has rarely seen an argument she didn’t like for shedding blood in a good cause.
    The issue of prudential criteria for the use of force is central to the argument about the use and misuse of R2P.  Although no formal guidelines have so far been agreed by the Security Council or General Assembly – that remains unfinished business – five criteria have clearly emerged from the debate over the last decade, are crucial to the coherence of the doctrine, and command widespread acceptance among R2P advocates.
  • War and Peace (
    Violence in the world takes on many forms, the most obvious being actual physical violence (genocide, murder, war). Violence, however, is not merely limited to the corporeal. Destruction of immaterial structures like economic systems and tribal communities constitute a form of violence that is more insidious and harder to identify, stripping (as argued by Audra Mitchell of the University of York) human beings of their identity and self-determination and damaging the human security of specific regions.

    In response to the existence of various forms of violence in the world, the international community established the principle of the “responsibility to protect” (R2P), a norm (not law) that provides for the mobilization of Chapter VII powers of the UN Charter to prevent mass atrocities. UN peacekeeping missions have spanned the globe over the last decade, from Sub-Saharan Africa to South America and Eastern Europe. While these operations are applaudable in principle, they often lack real teeth and most important are not efficiently executed.


Comments on: "Vredesweek 2012 en Responsibility to Protect (R2P)" (14)

  1. harlanjwilson said:

    I do appreciate the link back to my blog. However I do not appreciate you taking part of it without my permission and posting it in your blog. Very unprofessional while I look into the DMCA rules I will let the readers decide.

    thank you;


    • Dear Sir, it is by putting some text with the link it can generate more readers to go and look for the article. We did not plagiarize.

      As well as giving an idea of what the author of the mentioned article thinks we brought and bring the quotes to our readers so that they can go and look to the mentioned article. (Its a trigger point to get them interested in reading the article.) In case you do not want your writings to be placed in the attention, you may let us know and we shall not place any quotations and directions any more to


      • harlanjwilson said:

        All that I am asking, is that before you use any of my “text” that you inform me of which part of it you wish to use and how you wish to use it. It is called Professional Courtesy at which point I would either give you permission or not.


  2. […] Comments Vredesweek 2012 en R… on The United States, The United …gigglinggranny on The One Most Prestigious […]


  3. We do want to let our readers know that we would like to have on open mind always and would like that our readers go and look for other opinions as well. therefore we do not mind also to mention ideas of other people with totally different opinions. As such you shall also be able to find links on our sites of trinitarian Christians but also of atheists, next to ideas of other non-trinitarian writers and denominations.

    Certainly when we think those writers do have something to offer to the public we do take the permission to quote some of their sayings which they themselves want to make public by writing a blog or writing in the official public media.

    We always try to offer those quotings in respect of the common publication and copyright laws. It is never our intention to offend some one, but it is to give all our readers the opportunity to make their own opinion and to be able to compare with other opinions.


  4. It is strange that the writer of one of the related articles writes: “You also know how I feel about taking people’s statements out of context.

    O.K. that is enough about my petty little problems, tomorrow however, we will once again get back on track to attacking those among us who think that just because they have the money and ability to spread their hate that they can.”

    First of all our articles are written and afterwards links are placed to articles with a similar content.

    In this article the debates of the professors and international writers were presented to inform the public about what would be talking at the conference.

    In case the blogwriter thinks we are plagiarizing he should talk or address himself to the international speakers at the conference.
    A conference means to inform the public about something, and we also would like to inform the public.

    It is by sharing information that we can reach more people and can get a message to the general public.

    The writer accuses us also of having a lot of money that we can spread hate mail or hate articles. We assure every reader or visitor who comes along that we would like to preach peace and not hate, and that we do not have any grunge against any person or organisation.

    We also want to assure our visitors that we do have an open mind, and nearly no money at all. (We are not funded by any organisation at all and at our services we do not have any going around for teething like in many churches. Everybody is free to give what they want and can put that in a collection box placed in the back or at the site of the community room or do a banktransfer.)

    We also want to assure the readers we do not have any personal connections with Pax-Christi. Normally our readers would know that, because we are non-trinitarian Christians and Pax-Christi is a Catholic, and as such trinitarian organisation.

    But the conference exceeds denominational boundaries.
    Responsibility to Protect is also an international matter, not only belonging to one certain organisation or denomination. As such we did find it appropriate to mention this important conference and to keep our members and interested readers informed.


    • harlanjwilson said:

      That is what I mean by taking things out of context. that part of that post has “Nothing to do with you.” and If you were a reader of my blogs you would know that. However, to just chop up one and post it with out first understanding the foundation on which it was made gives a false impression to the readers.As you so eloquently show in your response.


  5. In our article the text we wrote ourselves even before we got to know your site does no where seem to have elements which you in articles we checked today. Nothing about the river Ijzer and World War I and for Keywords: ‘Rwanda’ and ‘Ruanda’ we got “Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.”
    In our call we also did not find any text we would have duplicated, translated or misquoted.
    In the article we noticed a big atrocity, namely that you write that ” Many Evangelical / Baptist “Christians” defended and participated in the “Slave Trade””. The Baptists in Europe have always been again any form of slavery. Also all the non-tinitarian Christians and several evangelical trinitarian Christians have fought against slavery.and still are against any form of violence, beatings, tortures, and deaths. Quakers, Brethren, Amish, Bible Students, Christadelphians have always resisted any form of violence against humanity.

    To us your sarcasm remark “Preaching about the brotherly love of “Christians” and how all men are brothers, all the while treating these humans as animals.” looks more an attack against Christianity than our sayings. (And yes for this reply we did quote you again, because otherwhile people would not be able to compare and see for what it is worth.


    • harlanjwilson said:

      No I am not attacking Christianity. The name of the post is ” Noone is Innocent”. the point of it is to show historical timeline. The point to my writings is to get people to think about the underlying reasons to the happens of the things that or shaping our world today. I take no sides. Take Care, Have Fun, and now more than ever Be Safe


  6. Strange of the American writer that he accuses such a group which does so much voluntary work all over the world, preaching the Gospel of the Good News and trying to bring everywhere the message of peace.
    Big events like music festivals as Rock Werchter, sports events like the Tennis tournaments and Olympic Games, but also meetings and conferences need the many people who want to give their hearts and spirit to work for nothing to make the event a success.

    Looking at the statistics of my own blog I noticed that people are going to cklick to a link much easier when their is some text added to it. Still having many people having to pay more according to their amount of kilobytes downloaded they only want to go to a certain website when they know it is offering them something. The links with no text behind it, I noticed are the least clicked to go forward to that article.

    The remark of the author is also very strange, because by adding a quote, Bible Students or any blogwriter is making an advert, for free, for some one else. Also by putting a link to other articles the blogger creates an opportunity for the marked article to get higher on the ranks of search machines, like Google. The visitor of the marking blog and reader of the first article can become more interested by reading something of the article mentioned in the link. So this can only be for the advantage of the article linked to.

    A person having his articles linked to and/or being quoted in any other article should be happy that he is being quoted and that his article is considered worthwhile to get it be known by others. (Other-while the writer of the blog would not link to it.)

    To my view also Responsibility to Protect (R2P) is to important not to bring at the attention of as much readers as possible. Those trying to get it be known and to bring the official meetings and conference debates in the picture, should be thanked.

    Therefore thanks to all the people who are willing to work for free, and even pay for their own costs to make the work to be known.


  7. For those having to pay in kilobytes they are not eager just to click on any link, without knowing what is behind it.

    There are also too many blogs who just have one link after the other under related articles, in which also not relevant links and spammers are placed.
    Therefore we only would go to a link, when we know the writer of the article has taken care to know the content of the article and found it relevant.

    Seeing a quote behind the link, shows us that the author has taken time to check the article and has chosen it for the relevance.


  8. […] Vredesweek 2012 en Responsibility to Protect (R2P) […]


  9. […] Vredesweek 2012 en Responsibility to Protect (R2P) […]


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