An other Christian site – Een andere Christelijke site

Mankind received God’s commandments so that they could have something to hold on to and have some guidance to build up their life.

Man had chosen to go his own way. Lots of people thought they could do without God,though as soon as time proved too difficult for them they were always fast to ask God for help or even for blaming Him for their problems.

On several occasions God came to help man. For the liberation of the Egyptian slavery God asked them to cleanse themselves and to remember that night of slaughtering the lambs.

V09p551001 Passover

Passover (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Many years later when the Holy Temple stood in Jerusalem, every Jew had to be in a state of Tohorah or ritual purity in time for the bringing of the Passover offering in the Temple. Today, though we’re unable to fulfil the Temple-related rituals in practice. In a way we should fulfil them spiritually by studying the given laws in the Torah. As such, Jews for example study and read the section of Parah (treatise in the Mishnah and the Tosefta, included in the order Tohorot) in preparation for the upcoming festival of Passover.

We do have to struggle here on earth with the restrictions and challenges of our world. Though we try to build up our life, when we love God we want to do that according to the bible, God’s infallible Word. These coming days, coming closer to 14 Nisan, we should take time to question ourselves if we could manage to live according to the Will of God.

Let us wonder if we really all the time believed in only One God, or did our thoughts wander about some other gods? Did we do no get carried away by idols? Did we keep a regular day of rest and did we take a regular time to think about God and to praise Him? Have we shown the respect we should show to our parents, teachers and those above us, but also to those lower than us? Where we ,at all times be willing to share our love with others? Where we willing to forgive the people who did something wrong against us?

These coming days the above questions should be in our head and have us to examine the attitude we took over the year against others.

Always remembering that when we are lovers of God we should not be part of this world but part of the Body of Christ, living up to the Will of God, which we can get to know by reading the Bible regularly. Only that way we can stay on the path of purity.

“9  [Beth] How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word.

10  I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. 11  I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. 12  Praise be to you, O LORD; teach me your decrees. 13  With my lips I recount all the laws that come from your mouth. 14 I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches. 15 I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways. 16 I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word.

17  [Gimel] Do good to your servant, and I will live; I will obey your word. 18  Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law. 19  I am a stranger on earth; do not hide your commands from me.” (Psalms 119:9-19 NIV)

Today those commandments are not hidden for us. They are at our disposal.
It is that Word of God we should allow us to cleanse us. As spiritual water it should run over us and wash down all the dirt which may have come over us. Every day, over and over again, we should let ourselves be inspired by that heavenly Word that purifies those who are willing to give themselves in the Hands of the Most High. Allowing ourselves being guided by that Word of God, we shall find the right directives for our actions and attitudes, thereby keeping us steady on the right path.

When we do come to the memorial meeting of 14 Nisan, (April 10, 2017) we should be clean to come before our Most High, to show our gratefulness for the ransom offer His only begotten son gave. Let us prepare for that special occasion.


Preceding articles

Christians, secularism, morals and values

Pesach and a lot of brokenness in the world

On the first day for matzah

14 Nisan a day to remember #3 Before the Passover-feast

14 Nisan a day to remember #4 A Lamb slain

14 Nisan a day to remember #5 The Day to celebrate



Additional reading

  1. What shall I render unto the Lord for all His benefits
  2. Getting fate in your change to positiveness
  3. Flowing out from a genuine spiritual “heart”
  4. Cleanliness and worrying or not about purity
  5. Making sure we express kedusha for 14-16 Nisan
  6. Reciting the Aleinu as a warning against temptation of idolatry
  7. What Does The Bible Say About….Fornication?
  8. Sukkoth, Gog, Magog, Armageddon, a covenant and Jerusalem
  9. Christianity like Judaism God’s call to human responsibility
  10. Without God no purpose, no goal, no hope
  11. See God’s wonderworks and hear His Voice
  12. Commemorating the escape from slavery
  13. Festival of Freedom and persecutions
  14. Seven Bible Feasts of JHWH
  15. Holidays, holy days and traditions
  16. Redemption #4 The Passover Lamb
  17. Remember the day
  18. Shabbat Pesach service reading 1/2
  19. Shabbat Pesach service reading 2/2
  20. Easter holiday, fun and rejoicing
  21. Why we do not keep to a Sabbath or a Sunday or Lord’s Day #2 Testimony
  22. Why we do not keep to a Sabbath or a Sunday or Lord’s Day #3 Days to be kept holy or set apart
  23. Yom Hey, Eve of Passover and liberation of many people
  24. A Passover for unity in God’s community
  25. A Great Gift commemorated
  26. Anointing of Christ as Prophetic Rehearsal of the Burial rites
  27. A Messiah to die
  28. An unblemished and spotless lamb foreknown
  29. The Song of The Lamb #5 Revelation 5
  30. The Song of The Lamb #7 Revelation 15
  31. This day shall be unto you for a memorial and you shall keep it a feast to the Most High God
  32. Exodus 9: Liar Liar


Further reading

  1. ‘Choose purity…are you asking me or telling me?’
  2. How can you be an ardent lover of truth?
  3. Purity
  4. Pursing Purity
  5. How to Overcome the Sin in Your Life
  6. A Healthy spiritual heart
  7. Today’s fragrance: keeping your ways pure
  8. Available
  9. Core values part 2
  10. Passport to Purity
  11. “Pure In Heart And Life” 03/21
  12. The Window Cleaner
  13. Pleasure of God, Part 2
  14. The Rosary- Bind it upon thy fingers, write it upon the tables of thy heart


Comments on: "Preparing for 14 Nisan" (24)

  1. Hi there,
    I would like to know how did you set the 14 Nisan on 10th of April.
    Thank you.


    • To know when it is 14 Nisan, by tradition the Chosen people of God, the Jews, keep track of their calendaror Hebrew calendar. We also use Jewish and civic calendars with indication of Jewish festivals and or religious holy days and civil special days (like ‘equal pay day’, women’s day’ etc.) and holidays (Season, Remembrance a.o. holidays). As such on our daily calendar we can see that it is today 21 March 2017 or Yom Gimmel, 23rd Adar 5777. In Belgium we also have calendars with the holy days of the official or state religions. In case you do not have such calendars mentioning the Holy Days you might consider to include it on your computer.

      In case you live in Romania and do not have such civil calendars with religious holidays indicated, you might perhaps ask one from the Jewish communities or some bible students organisations over-there. An other way to keep up to date with the by God given holy days is to subscribe to one or the other sincere non-trinitarian religious group (Jewish or Christian) or perhaps keep following us (if you do not mind).


  2. […] Preparing for 14 Nisan […]


  3. Thank you for your reply,but I wouldn’t follow the Jewish people’s religious calendar as they,as a people are” far away of God’s rules” ;so as christian people ,is better to follow the Bible’s rule.
    Basically if the 14 Nisan is on 10th of April,that means the 1st Nisan should be on 28th of March ,isn’t it ?.Well,if it’s right you should see(not telescopic,but with your “open eyes” if the sky is clean,not any clouds) the new Moon on 28th of March and as well as the full Moon on 10th of March
    To be sure that your date is right,it’s better to get informations from Astronomic Service and ask them if you could see the New Moon on 28th of March or Full Moon on 10th of April.
    Please check if you will see the Full Moon on 10th of April,if not….then, something could be wrong.
    I look forward to receiving your reply.
    Thank you


    • Astronomically in our region New Moon is on Mar. 28, Tu.04:59 and Full moon on Apr. 11, Tu.08:09 ( in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and Europe/Brussels Time Zone time.) Remember the days go in from the evening until evening, as such 14 Nisan starting the evening of 10 April going into 8.09 am and having all that day as a remembrance day we do see no objection to have that day as memorial day.

      The astronomical sources do not seem to agree on the hours though, some give for full moon on March 12 14:54 UTC and April 11 06.08 UTC time (but having than also 14 Nisan on April 10-11)
      Time of Full Moon for Europe/Berlin March 12, 2017 – 03:54 pm (CET) + April 11, 2017 – 08:08 am (CEST)

      The 2017 Full Moon Calendar calendar writes:

      The next full moon of the year will be in April and rise on April 11, a Tuesday. it will be the first full moon of spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and of summer in the Southern Hemisphere. The March full moon just occcured on Sunday (March 12) and peaked in the morning at 10:54 a.m. EST (1554 GMT). The March full moon is known as the Worm Moon, among its other names (the Crow Moon, Crust Moon and Sap Moon to name a few). >

      March’s Full Worm Moon is this weekend. Find out when to see it rise—plus Moon phases, best days by the Moon, folklore, and more.
      The highest and most dramatic Moon for 2017 will be from March 4 through the 6th at nightfall, above Orion.
      March Full Moon Names

      According to the American Old Farmers Almanac: >

      March’s Full Moon is traditionally called the Full Worm Moon by the Native Americans who used the Moons to track the seasons; Colonial Americans also used these names, especially those of the local Algonquin tribes who lived between New England and Lake Superior.

      April’s Full Moon, the Full Pink Moon, heralds the appearance of the moss pink, or wild ground phlox—one of the first spring flowers. It is also known as the Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon, and the Fish Moon.

      These names were not invented by The Old Farmer’s Almanac. They were used by early Colonial Americans—who learned the names from the local Native Americans; time was not recorded by using the months of the Julian or Gregorian calendar. Many tribes kept track of time by observing the seasons and lunar months, although there was much variability. The name itself usually described some activity that occurred during that time in their location.

      In New York and Chicago that full moon shall be seen much later than in our region on their April 11, 2:08 A.M. (At that time it is in Belgium April 11 08.08 am) still having that day starting on April 10 in our country as well as in the East of America.

      In Bucharest, Romania according to the lunar astronomical calendar Full moon shall take place on 11 April 09:08 am. and as such the day Nisan 14 shall also start on the evening before 10 April when the Sun goes under.

      What do you think?


    • Dear libraryromanest,

      You write

      “wouldn’t follow the Jewish people’s religious calendar as they,as a people are” far away of God’s rules” ;so as christian people ,is better to follow the Bible’s rule.”
      generating about all Jews and Christians, forgetting that there are enough sincere Jews and Christians walking on this earth.

      Also you seem to forget that no matter what some Jews may do (non-religious or secular Jews as well as certain religious Jews) the Jewish people who love the God of Israel shall stay the chosen People of God. The kept track of the says of God and keep celebrating those days God gave to the world. So why should we, as sincere Christians, not follow those same days.

      We do not know what you might belief and in which god you may believe. When you would be a Muslim than you to should believe in the same God as Jews and non-trinitarian Christians, like us, believe, and should also come to honour the by God given set-apart or holy days.

      Why should we not trust the calendars we can have at our homes, which are published by several printers who often even have not a connection with all those religious groups they publish their holy days from. On our ordinary civic calendars as well as the school calendars (edited by the Belgian governement) we can find all those holidays of the Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Confusion, Buddhist people. If we would not be able such official sources what or whom are we than to believe?
      On those calendars we also find all the quarters and full and new moons indicated. So when they seem in relation with the religious dates you consider them not astronomically right? And why would they have other moon indications than the astronomical data?


    • When organisations, schools, clubs, institutions can not count on the validity of official calendars it becomes very difficult to arrange matters in this world.

      Somehow people do have to come to a consensus or arrangement for agreeing which calendar or time table to follow. In Belgium generally it was agreed to use the reform of the Julian calendar, being the Gregorian calendar which is internationally the most widely used civil calendar.

      To plan everything beforehand and to organise the schooling, club-meetings, arranging the workforces, arranging the holidays for the employees, all civilians, religious as well as non-religious have to rely on the information given in such sources. It would be total chaos when everybody just would take himself other data. In our country it is already not easy with 67 religious groups having their own religious special days. For example for the Christian festivals there may be four different days for Christmas and/or Easter: the Roman Catholic and most Protestant groups their Christmas/Easter, The Greek Orthodox Christmas/Easter, The Russian Orthodox Christmas/Easter and the non-trinitarian Christians their ‘Easter’ or better Pesach/Pasach or Passover.
      How would people from other religious groups would be able to know when their festive days would be.

      The same for the Islamic festivals non-Muslims would not know when Muslim would keep their Ramadan or their ‘Ceremonial Offering or Sacrifice’. For example this year the calendars indicate 1 September and therefore many schools debate this year not to start the school year on Friday the 1st of September but on Monday the 4th.

      It is by having official calendars we can keep track of data and can know which feasts other communities have on a certain day or at a certain period (Lent, Ramadan).

      At our Christian community we also do follow the by the governmental institutions given date for the religious days and as such for the God given days we also follow the days the Chosen People of God celebrate in our country. We do not see any reason to held the God given holy days on an other day than the Jews, just because they would be Jews and we Christians or that there would also be non religious Jews celebrating that day.

      We do agree that there are several Jews and a majority of Christians who are far away of God’s rules, but for those Christians who are very far from the worshipping of the real One True God and His commandments, they keep to the pagan celebrations of Christmas and Easter and not to God His given days. Or do you know trinitarian Christians who abstain form the pagan celebrations?

      When you do not agree with the days given by the official calendars which would be the days you find we should celebrate? Can you give than the holy days for the coming ten years? Because we always like many other organisations and institutions do have to prepare our organisational data and work long beforehand.


    • Dear libraryromanest,

      First: Why are you against the Jews?
      Second: Why wouldn’t you “follow the Jewish people’s religious calendar” saying “as they,as a people are” far away of God’s rules” ;so as christian people ,is better to follow the Bible’s rule.””?

      Jews should, and the religious ones are following the Hebrew Bible’s rule namely the Mitzvah of God. Sincere Jews keep to the Mitzvah and do every effort to live every day according to the commandments and regulations God gave mankind.

      All people should follow God’s Rules and Regulations. Why are you making the Jews black and say they would not follow God’s commandments?
      The religious Jews follow much more the Biblical rules than many so called Christians, lots of them even being polytheists, worshipping a Trinity.

      Thirdly: concerning 14 Nisan

      When you implicate the governmental institutions and official weather stations are not right and are not following the astronomical data, which astronomical data would be right according to you and which organisation gives according to you such right information?

      In Belgium, where I live, it is today, according my calendar, the 2nd of Nisan or 29 March 2017. What should be the date according to you and your so called right astronomical institutions (which ones please)?

      I noticed that the Jehovah’s Witnesses regularly give an other date than the official calendars and official institutions. Perhaps you belong to the JW and accept their given date for this year to be Tuesday April the 11th. The problem with JW is that they have a dictatorial organisation which is placed in the North of America, and they want all people all over the world to follow their own set agenda and literature.

      Those people living in the United States do forget in the East of their nation the day started one day earlier than theirs. Is it therefore that when they want to celebrate what they think is 14 Nisan it is already 15 Nisan in Europe. Though because all should celebrate it on their day they force Europeans to believe that 14 Nisan would be this year the 11th of April.

      I would love to know to which religious organisation you belong and which astronomical calendar you follow.
      Please can you shed more light on your idea when to have which day?


      • We want to let our readers also know that we also asked several Jehovah’s Witnesses and wrote to the main house in Belgium to understand why they so often take an other day than the generally official astronomical and weather-institutions of Belgium and international calendars give as day for this festival as well as other festivals. From the people at the door we could not receive a solution giving replay whilst from the organisation we never received a reply to our request to shed light on this difference in data.

        We too are curious about which official organisation or astronomical office the Romanian correspondent has, and look forward to receive a reply from him. We too would appreciate it if he would tell us also to what church or religion he belongs.


  4. […] Preparing for 14 Nisan […]


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