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Posts tagged ‘Absalom’

Alle dingen eertijds geschreven tot ons onderricht

Want alle dingen die eertijds werden geschreven, werden tot ons onderricht+ geschreven,+ opdat wij door middel van onze volharding+ en door middel van de vertroosting+ uit de Schriften hoop* zouden hebben.+  Romeinen 15:4.


Excerpt from the book The image of God, or lai...

Fragment uit het boek Het beeld van God, of laie mans boke waarin de juiste kennis van God wordt onthuld, en diuerse twijfels naast de belangrijkste kwestie, geschreven door Roger Hutchinson 1550 (beschikbaar in John Bruce De werken van Roger Hutchinson (1842, pp . 183, 183) op, met behulp van Gods bijbelse naam Jehovah (Jehova / Iehova / Iehoua). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

tot ons onderricht: (#2Ti 3:16): 16 De gehele Schrift is door God geïnspireerd*+ en nuttig om te onderwijzen,+ terecht te wijzen,+ dingen recht te zetten,*+ streng te onderrichten+ in rechtvaardigheid,

(#2Pe 1:19): 19 Dientengevolge is het profetische woord+ voor ons des te vaster [gemaakt],+ en GIJ doet goed er acht op te geven als op een lamp+ die schijnt in een duistere plaats, totdat de dag aanbreekt en er een dagster*+ opgaat, in UW hart.

(#Pr 3:12): 12 want die Jehovah liefheeft, wordt door hem terechtgewezen,+ evenals een vader dit doet met een zoon aan wie hij een welgevallen heeft.+

(#Joh 16:8): 8 En wanneer die gekomen is, zal hij de wereld het overtuigende bewijs leveren* aangaande zonde en aangaande rechtvaardigheid en aangaande oordeel:+

(#Tit 1:9): 9 stevig vasthoudend aan het getrouwe woord met betrekking tot zijn [kunst van] onderwijzen,+ opdat hij in staat is zowel door de gezonde+ leer te vermanen als de tegensprekers terecht te wijzen.+

(#1Ti 4:16): 16 Schenk voortdurend aandacht aan uzelf+ en aan uw onderwijs.+ Blijf bij deze dingen, want door dit te doen, zult gij zowel uzelf redden als hen die naar u luisteren.+

(#1Ti 6:3): 3 Indien iemand een andere leer brengt+ en niet instemt met gezonde+ woorden, die van onze Heer Jezus Christus, noch met de leer die in overeenstemming is met godvruchtige toewijding,*+

(#Jas 3:1): 3 Niet velen van U moeten leraren worden,+ mijn broeders, daar GIJ weet dat wij een zwaarder oordeel zullen ontvangen

(#He 12:5): 5 maar GIJ hebt de vermaning die tot U als zonen+ wordt gericht, helemaal vergeten: „Mijn zoon, acht [het] strenge onderricht dat van Jehovah* komt, niet gering en bezwijk niet wanneer gij door hem wordt gecorrigeerd,*+

geschreven: (#Ro 4:23): 23 Dat ’het hem werd toegerekend’+ werd echter niet alleen ter wille van hem geschreven,+

(#1Co 10:11): 11 Deze dingen nu bleven hun overkomen als voorbeelden* en ze werden opgeschreven tot een waarschuwing+ voor ons, tot wie de einden* van de samenstelsels van dingen*+ gekomen zijn.

door middel van onze volharding: (#Ro 5:4): 4 volharding vervolgens een goedgekeurde toestand,+ de goedgekeurde toestand vervolgens hoop,+

(#2Ti 2:15): 15 Doe uw uiterste best om u goedgekeurd+ aan God aan te bieden, als een werkman+ die zich nergens over behoeft te schamen,+ die het woord der waarheid juist hanteert.+

(#Jas 1:12): 12 Gelukkig is de man die beproeving blijft verduren,+ want nadat hij is goedgekeurd, zal hij de kroon des levens ontvangen,+ die Jehovah* beloofd heeft aan hen die hem blijven liefhebben.+

(#Mt 5:10): 10 Gelukkig zijn zij die ter wille van de rechtvaardigheid zijn vervolgd,+ want hun behoort het koninkrijk der hemelen toe.

(#Jas 1:2): 2 Beschouwt het een en al vreugde, mijn broeders, wanneer U velerlei beproevingen overkomen,+

door middel van de vertroosting: (#Ps 119:50):  50 Dit is mijn troost in mijn ellende,+ Want het is uw toezegging die mij in het leven heeft gehouden.+

(#Ps 94:19): 19 Wanneer mijn verontrustende gedachten vele werden binnen in mij,+ Waren het uw vertroostingen die mijn ziel gingen strelen.+

(#Ps 71:21): 21 Moogt gij mijn grootheid vermeerderen,+ En moogt gij mij omringen [en] troosten.+

(#Ps 86:17): 17 Bewerk ten aanzien van mij een teken dat goedheid beduidt, Opdat degenen die mij haten, [het] zien en beschaamd staan.+ Want gijzelf, o Jehovah, hebt mij geholpen en getroost.+

(#2Co 1:3-4): 4 die ons vertroost in al onze verdrukking,+ opdat wij hen die in enigerlei verdrukking zijn, kunnen vertroosten+ door middel van de vertroosting waarmee wijzelf door God worden vertroost.+

(#2Th 2:16): 16 Mogen bovendien onze Heer Jezus Christus zelf en God, onze Vader, die ons heeft liefgehad+ en door middel van onverdiende goedheid eeuwige troost en goede hoop heeft gegeven,+

(#Ps 40:1): 40 Ik heb vurig op Jehovah gehoopt,+ En daarom heeft hij [zijn oor] tot mij geneigd en mijn hulpgeschreeuw gehoord.+

hoop: „Hoop,” אAVgSyp; B: „hoop der vertroosting; de vertroostende hoop.”

hoop zouden hebben: (#1Co 9:10): 10 Of zegt hij het geheel en al ter wille van ons? Ja, ter wille van ons werd het geschreven,+ omdat wie ploegt, in hoop behoort te ploegen, en wie dorst, dit behoort te doen in de hoop zijn deel te ontvangen.+

(#He 3:6): 6 maar Christus [was getrouw] als Zoon+ over Diens huis. Diens huis zijn wij,+ indien wij onze vrijmoedigheid van spreken en ons roemen over de hoop tot het einde toe stevig* vasthouden.+

(#1Pe 1:10): 10 Betreffende deze redding is naarstig navraag gedaan en een nauwkeurig onderzoek+ ingesteld door de profeten, die over de voor U bedoelde onverdiende goedheid hebben geprofeteerd.+


Die geschreven dingen omvatten veel goede voorbeelden van mannen en vrouwen met een groot geloof (#He 11:32-34). We kunnen en moeten ons voordeel doen met die mooie voorbeelden in de Bijbel door ze na te volgen. Maar sommige voorbeelden uit de Bijbel zijn een waarschuwing voor ons. Soms gaat het om mannen en vrouwen die ooit Jehovah dienden en zijn goedkeuring hadden. Als we de Bijbel lezen, kunnen we erop letten wat ze verkeerd deden zodat we zelf die fout niet hoeven te maken.
We zien dat sommigen langzaam maar zeker verkeerde houdingen of neigingen ontwikkelden, met alle gevolgen van dien. Om daarvan te leren kunnen we ons afvragen: Hoe heeft die persoon die verkeerde manier van denken ontwikkeld? Zou het mij kunnen overkomen? Hoe kan dit voorbeeld me helpen die fout te vermijden? w11 15/12 1:19, 20

De dood van Absalom, door Albert Weisgerber

Absalom, een zoon van koning David, was een heel knappe man. Net als Satan liet hij een verkeerd verlangen in zijn hart opkomen. Hij wilde koning worden in de plaats van zijn vader, en daar had hij geen recht op. In een sluwe poging de troon te bemachtigen, deed hij alsof hij zich heel erg om het volk bekommerde en insinueerde hij dat de koning dat niet deed. Net als de Duivel in de Hof van Eden deed Absalom zich als een weldoener voor, terwijl hij ondertussen zijn eigen vader gemeen belasterde (2 Sam. 15:1-5). Had Absaloms plan succes? In zekere zin wel, want de Bijbel zegt: „Absalom bleef het hart van de mannen van Israël stelen” (2 Sam. 15:6). Maar uiteindelijk leidde zijn arrogantie tot zijn ondergang, en tot zijn dood en de dood van de duizenden die hij had ingepalmd (2 Sam. 18:7, 14-17). w12 15/7 2:4-6

Engelstalige versie / English version: All things written aforetime for our instruction


Aanvullende lectuur:

  1. Voorschriften ons gegeven
  2. Eeuwigblijvend Woord dat alles vertelt
  3. Blog van God opgetekend in een Boek
  4. Nut van het lezen van de Bijbel
  5. Kroniekschrijvers en profeten #3 Poëtische boeken
  6. Hermeneutiek om uit te dragen #5 Beeldvorming
  7. Hermeneutiek om uit te dragen #7 In Harmonie
  8. Opgetekend in je hoofd wat is neergetekend
  9. Verwerf de gunst van Jahwe
  10. Volharding & Bijbelstudenten
  11. De nacht is ver gevorderd 4 Studie 1 Zijn het de laatste dagen? 3 Hoe pakken we het aan?
  12. De nacht is ver gevorderd 25 Slot
  13. Openstellen om Nog veel te leren


  • Deceiving the Simple (
    David’s son Absalom wanted power and position. He knew how to get it.
    2Sa 15:1 And it came to pass after this, that Absalom prepared him chariots and horses, and fifty men to run before him.
    He feigned a loving compassion. These people, impressed with the following and the interest in their cause found someone they could bow to and reverence. Reverence won is hard to lose. They were betrayed by a kiss just as our Lord Jesus was betrayed. He won the hearts of people by showmanship, false wisdom and faked compassion.We find Absalom is like many false religionists and politicians to day. Showmanship draws. False wisdom wins. Fake compassion seals the doom of the simple people.
  • When David heard that Absalom was slain… (
    Thomas Tomkins, a Welsh composer who lived from 1572 to 1656. This piece is setting of a biblical text from the 2nd Book of Samuel (Chapter 18 Verse 13) when David learns of the death of his son Absalom. In the King James version this reads
  • Absalom and the Spirit of Lucifer (
    There is a great turmoil, plotting and conspiracy swirling around David and his throne. Absalom has men giving him counsel about how to defeat David so he can rule the people in his stead. The plan was to track down David, kill him and bring all the people back to Absalom. There was a man named Hushai who double crossed Absalom and thwarted the plans. Hushai sent message to David about Absalom’s plans and Absalom ended up dead.
    The story of Absalom’s rebellion is a picture of a heavenly rebellion. Absalom died on a tree thus fulfilling a mysterious picture of the end of Lucifer’s trying to rest the throne away from God. Later God promised David he would never fail to have a descendant on the throne. Of course we know who that is it is Jesus himself who ever lives to reign forever and forever. Amen.
  • April 8th (
    Throwing himself on God’s mercy, David looks for a turnaround from his afflictions. He will not allow the men to stop Shimei from calling out to him, recounting his shortcomings. Do we do the same thing, reviewing all our trials and tribulations, looking for a “break” from God? Or, do we find a way to praise Him throughout any situation, learning from our mistakes as we go? Do we trust and obey?
  • Absolom and the Spirit of Lucifer (
    Absalom died hanging on a tree. The Bible says “cursed is anyone who is hanged on a tree.” Jesus was in fact hung on a tree called the cross. God made him (Jesus) who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.[11] Jesus became sin. This is where it gets a little deep, but just stay with me. What this means is Jesus became sin or, Satan (Lucifer) indwelt humanity, on the cross. He died as us (Satan indwelt man) on our behalf. What took place on the cross is quite a bit more radical than most either know or want to admit.
  • Psalm 143 – I Stretch Out My Hands To You (
    David is paying the price for his sin with Bathsheba, and his atrocious murder of his loyal friend, Uriah the Hittite – of which Nathan warned him to be prepared for in 2 Samuel 12:7-12.  Psalm 143 is another great model of prayer for us today. In the midst of praying for his deliverance, David also prays not only for deliverance, but for strength to serve God better:
  • Underhanded Leadership (
    Underhanded leaders play upon people’s emotions when they are needy. In so doing they diminish the credibility of the current leader. Underhanded leaders exaggerate their own ability to solve problems and lead. They seek to establish their own authority as they lie about their superior’s.  Underhanded leaders will always mask their true intentions behind hypocritical actions that look like empathy.Beware of underhanded leaders below you. Even more, beware of becoming an underhanded leader who diminishes, exaggerates, and subverts the authority of others.
  • Holding onto Offense – Who made you the ‘Righteous’ Judge? (
    While our human emotion and sentiment may tend to say that what Absalom did served Amnon right, the problem is that what he did also served him (Absalom) wrong. As a result of his justice, he broke the fellowship he had with his father (David), he caused division and turmoil within the family, he lost the good life he was enjoying in Jerusalem, and he had to flee in fear and live in fear of retribution. Yes, Absalom punished Amnon, but he also punished himself.

All things written aforetime for our instruction

For all the things that were written beforehand were written for our instruction,+ so that through our endurance+ and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope.+ (NWT) .— Romans 15:4.

For all the things that were written aforetime were written+ for our instruction,+ that through our endurance+ and through the comfort+ from the Scriptures we might have hope.*+ (Ref.B)


Excerpt from the book The image of God, or lai...

Excerpt from the book The image of God, or laie mans boke in which the right knowledge of God is disclosed, and diuerse doubtes besides the principal matter written by Roger Hutchinson at 1550 (available in John Bruce’s The works of Roger Hutchinson (1842, pp. 183, 183) at, using God’s Biblical name Jehovah (Jehova/Iehova/Iehoua).

were written:  (#Ro 4:23): 23 That “it was counted+ to him” was written, however, not for his sake only,+

(#1Co 10:11): 11 Now these things went on befalling them as examples,* and they were written for a warning+ to us upon whom the ends* of the systems of things*+ have arrived.

for our instruction:  (#2Ti 3:16): 16 All Scripture is inspired of God*+ and beneficial for teaching,+ for reproving,+ for setting things straight,*+ for disciplining+ in righteousness,

(#2Pe 1:19): 19 Consequently we have the prophetic word+ [made] more sure;+ and YOU are doing well in paying attention to it as to a lamp+ shining in a dark place, until day dawns and a daystar*+ rises, in YOUR hearts.

(#Pr 3:11-12): 11 The discipline of Jehovah, O my son, do not reject;+ and do not abhor his reproof,+ 12 because the one whom Jehovah loves he reproves,+ even as a father does a son in whom he finds pleasure.+

(#Joh 16:8): 8 And when that one arrives he will give the world convincing evidence* concerning sin and concerning righteousness and concerning judgment:+

(#Tit 1:9): 9 holding firmly to the faithful word as respects his [art of] teaching,+ that he may be able both to exhort by the teaching that is healthful+ and to reprove+ those who contradict.

(#1Co 11:32): 32 However, when we are judged,+ we are disciplined by Jehovah,*+ that we may not become condemned+ with the world.+

(#He 12:6): 6 for whom Jehovah* loves he disciplines; in fact, he scourges every one whom he receives as a son.”+

(#Re 3:19): 19 “‘All those for whom I have affection I reprove and discipline.+ Therefore be zealous and repent.+

(#He 12:5): 5 but YOU have entirely forgotten the exhortation which addresses YOU as sons:+ “My son, do not belittle [the] discipline from Jehovah,* neither give out when you are corrected* by him;+

(#Ps 94:12): 12 Happy is the able-bodied man* whom you correct,+ O Jah, And whom you teach out of your own law,+

(#Ps 119:71):  71 It is good for me that I have been afflicted,+ In order that I may learn your regulations.+

(#1Ti 4:16): 16 Pay constant attention to yourself+ and to your teaching.+ Stay by these things, for by doing this you will save both yourself and those who listen to you.+

(#1Ti 6:3): 3 If any man teaches other doctrine+ and does not assent to healthful+ words, those of our Lord Jesus Christ, nor to the teaching that accords with godly devotion,*+

(#Jas 3:1): 3 Not many of YOU should become teachers,+ my brothers, knowing that we shall receive heavier judgment.+

througour endurance:  (#Ro 5:4): 4 endurance, in turn, an approved condition;+ the approved condition, in turn, hope,+

(#Php 1:20): 20 in harmony with my eager expectation+ and hope+ that I shall not be ashamed+ in any respect, but that in all freeness of speech+ Christ will, as always before, so now be magnified by means of my body,+ whether through life or through death.+

(#2Ti 2:15): 15 Do your utmost to present yourself approved+ to God, a workman+ with nothing to be ashamed of,+ handling the word of the truth aright.+

(#Jas 1:12): 12 Happy is the man that keeps on enduring trial,+ because on becoming approved he will receive the crown of life,+ which Jehovah* promised to those who continue loving him.+

through the comfort:  (#Ps 119:50):  50 This is my comfort in my affliction,+ For your own saying has preserved me alive.+

(#Ps 94:19): 19 When my disquieting thoughts became many inside of me,+ Your own consolations began to fondle my soul.+

(#Ps 71:21): 21 May you enlarge my greatness,+ And may you surround [and] comfort me.+

(#Ps 86:17): 17 Work out with me a sign meaning goodness, That those hating me may see [it] and be ashamed.+ For you yourself, O Jehovah, have helped me and comforted me.+

(#2Co 1:3-4):  3 Blessed be the God and Father+ of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of tender mercies+ and the God of all comfort,+ 4 who comforts us in all our tribulation,+ that we may be able to comfort+ those in any sort of tribulation through the comfort with which we ourselves are being comforted by God.+

(#Ps 23:4):  4 Even though I walk in the valley of deep shadow,*+ I fear nothing bad,+ For you are with me;+ Your rod and your staff are the things that comfort me.+

(#2Co 7:6): 6 Nevertheless God, who comforts+ those laid low, comforted us by the presence* of Titus;


Those written things include many good examples, men and women of outstanding faith. (Hebrews 11:32-34) We can and should benefit from the good examples found in the Scriptures, following or imitating what is presented in those fine Biblical accounts. Certain~~ Bible accounts, however, include warning examples. We can find some of those in the lives of men and women whom Jehovah at one point accepted and used as his servants. As we read the Bible, we can note where and how some of God’s people went astray and thus became warning examples. We can discern that some gradually developed wrong attitudes or tendencies, which eventually produced sad consequences.
How can we draw lessons from such accounts? We may want to ask ourselves such questions as: ‘How did that develop? Might such a trend develop in my case? What can I do to avoid that and instead to benefit from this warning example?’ w11 12/15 1:19, 20


Absalom, a son of King David, was an exceptionally good-looking man. In time, however, like Satan, he let greedy ambition fill his heart, for he began to covet his father’s throne, to which he was not entitled. In a sly attempt to seize the kingship, Absalom feigned deep concern for his fellow Israelites while cleverly insinuating that the king’s court lacked regard for them. Yes, just like the Devil in the garden of Eden, Absalom presented himself as a benefactor, at the same time cruelly maligning his own father. (2 Samuel 15:1-5)
Did Absalom’s clever scheme succeed? To some extent, yes, for the Bible account states: “Absalom kept stealing the hearts of the men of Israel.” (2 Samuel 15:6) In the end, though, Absalom’s arrogance led to his own downfall, his death, and the death of the thousands who were overreached by him.—2 Samuel 18:7, 14-17. w12 7/15 2:4-6


Dutch version: Nederlandstalige versie: Alle dingen die eertijds geschreven tot ons onderricht


Additional reading:

  1. Aim High: Examples of Godly Characters to follow
  2. No prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation
  3. Missional hermeneutics 5/5
  4. A Bible Falling Apart Belongs to Someone who isn’t
  5. Youth has difficulty Bible Reading
  6. Looking for True Spirituality 8 Measuring Up


  • Chapter 37- Sanctification (
    The usage of Scripture is as clear in this case as in that. The word “holy” in Scripture has, however, various meanings. It is sometimes applied to things, and not to persons only. (1.) It is used in the sense of that which is set apart or dedicated to an especial use. Thus, God threatens that instruments of vengeance will be “prepared” (sanctified) against “the king’s house of Judah,” Jer. 22:7. But the dedication is most frequently for some holy use.
    The difficulty of the work to be done consists in its not being a mere reformation of a bad life and habits, which is measurably within the power of man, and is sometimes accomplished so far as the mere outward life among men demands; but in its including the destruction and removal of man’s sinful condition, and habits, and action, which he by nature ardently loves, and the substitution for them of their very opposites in every respect.
  • Step 8 Remember God Disciplines Those He Loves (
    God is vigilant in maintaining and guarding His children.  He is intolerant of unfaithfulness or rivalry and possessive and watchful in the protection of His chosen ones.  He demands exclusive loyalty and is ardently active, devoted, diligent and filled with intense enthusiasm, fervor and passion to the point of intense, burning heat when it comes to ensuring our knowledge of His love, grace, and plan for us.
  • Michael Brown Writes Open Letter to Joel and Victoria Osteen Out of Love for God, Love for Them, and Love for the Church and the World (
    A true physician tells his patients what they need to hear, not what they want to hear. As one preacher of old, JeanDaille, once said, “Ministers are not cooks, but physicians andtherefore should not study to delight the palate, but to recover the patient.”Have you been more of a junk-food cook than a physician? Have you been afraid to tell people their true condition? Have you been so concerned with making them feel good about themselves and giving them a sense of hope that you failed to diagnose their terminal sin disease?
  • Default To Righteousness (
    The church is fast approaching a default to abundance and a default to righteousness; although most – in the church – are not aware of it. Neither were the Children of Israel aware of the hour of their deliverance from Egypt.
  • Discernment (
    The state of the “church” was made abundantly clear to me this week while I made a strong effort to defend the Word of God from the attack of a false believer.
    The lack of discernment is listed as a sin that accompanies rebellious sinners in Romans chapter one.  I want to quote from both the KJV and NKJV to give a good rendering of the word used and to show that God indeed does call lack of discernment sin.
  • Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #18 Fulfilment (
    Fulfilment As we showed in the previous chapters several men of God knew their position very well and where convinced they needed the Most High Creator of all things. Even the son of God never claimed to be able to do something without the Force of his Father.
  • Rose Resource Review: 10 Questions and Answers on Jehovah’s Witnesses (
    There are also books with stories of how JW’s came to truly know Christ and had their eyes opened to the truth of the Biblical Gospel through the grace and patience of real Jesus followers.
  • Christian Statements of Faith (
    To begin to understand the origin of Christianity, you need to understand the orthodoxy of Christianity (the theories, doctrines, and practices that defined Christianity in the early church and are the pillars of Christian theology today). These statements or creeds are inviolate — they are the foundations of Christianity and without them you may have something that resembles Christianity, but really isn’t Christianity. There are two statements of faith that define Christianity: the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed.
  • Pictures: They came, saw and made Zim richer (
    The bumper crowd that converged at the NSS in Harare for all the three days was historic and about 1 568 candidates out of at least 74 000 in attendance, that Saturday, were baptized symbolizing their dedication to serving their Heavenly Father –Jehovah God. Attendance on the first day, on Friday was over 68 000 while the last day, on Sunday attendance totaled 82 409 people.
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The Lord Jesus Christ is the last Adam, not the first God-man. ~~~


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