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Posts tagged ‘Matthew 4:1-4’

Mark 1 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Mark 1:12-13 – Tempted by the Devil

Mark 1:12-13 – Tempted by the Devil

|| Matthew 4:1-11[1]

MK1:12 Immediately the Pneuma pressured Jesus[2] to go out into the desert. MK1:13 There he remained for forty days as the Devil kept tempting him. Though he was among the wild beasts the angels attended to him.[3]


[1] Matthew 4:1-11: For details see notes in Nazarene Commentary 2000 on Matthew.

[2] Immediately the Pneuma pressured Jesus: Or, KJV: the spirit driveth; NOR: took him; KNX: sent him out; WEY: impelled him; RHM: urged him. The words “instantly” and “immediately” are favorite words of Mark and his narrative moves along at a breath-taking pace as though he must write with great haste.

[3] Among the wild beasts the angels attended to him: Or, NOR: surrounded by wild beasts; KNX: lodged with the beasts. Only Mark mentions this interesting point. The desert seems empty, but at night animals come alive and surely the Nazarene heard and saw the wilderness animals that then moved about in that spring time desert. We can only paint the picture with our own imagination.



Mark 1 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Mark 1:1-8 – The Beginning of the Good News

Mark 1 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Mark 1:9-11 – An Approved Son Baptized

Nazarene Commentary Luke 3:3-6 – John Preaches Baptism of Repentance

Mark 1 – Additional Bible Students notes on Mark 1:9-11 – An Approved Son Baptized

Nazarene Commentary Matthew 4:1-4 A Wilderness Temptation

Nazarene Commentary Matthew 4:5-7 – A Temptation to Test God

Nazarene Commentary Matthew 4:8-11 – A Temptation to Gain World Rule

A Look of the Expositor Bible at The Ordeal of questions {Matthew 22:15-46 }


Additional reading

  1. Three basic commands
  2. Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God
  3. Songs in the night Worship God only


Further related

  1. Thomas Manton, The Temptation of Christ, Sermon 1.b
  2. The Suffering God: Ash Wednesday Reflections on Lent
  3. A Reflection on today’s readings
  4. Temptation of Christ
  5. If You Are
  6. Your temptation does not come from God | James 1:13-16
  7. The Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 4, pt. 1
  8. Matthew 4: Temptations
  9. The Temptation of Christ (Luke 4:1-13)
  10. A Spiritual Roller-coaster (Mark 1:9-15)

Nazarene Commentary Matthew 4:1-4 A Wilderness Temptation

Chapter Four:
Three tests and Kingdom preaching

Matthew 4:1-4 – A Wilderness Temptation: ‘If you are a son’

|| Mark 1:12, 13; Luke 4:1-4

MT4:1 Then Jesus was led[1] up into the wilderness by the Pneuma to be tempted[2] by the Devil.[3] MT4:2 After fasting for forty days[4] and forty nights he felt hungry.[5] MT4:3 And the Tempter approached Jesus and said to him, “If you are a son[6] of The God tell these stones[7] to become loaves of bread.”[8] MT4:4 But, Jesus replied and said to the Devil: “It has been written[9] [by Moses]: ‘Not on bread alone will humans live, but upon every utterance[10] coming forth through God’s Mouth.’” [Deuteronomy 8:3]


Temptation of Jesus in desert. HOLE, WILLIAM: ...

Temptation of Jesus in desert. Hole, William: The Life of Jesus of Nazareth. Eighty Pictures. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The sent one from God after he was baptised went into the desert to meditate. Being alone with his thoughts did not liberate him from bad thoughts coming up in his mind. Jesus was allowed into the wilderness to be tested, like all of us are allowed to be tested and to prove ourselves.

God has given mankind the freedom to think and to take decisions for him self. God is no dictator Who prohibits man to think and to decide for himself. Though we should know that already from the beginning of times man has shown to have a sort of weaknesses, doubting those who are higher placed than they. The first human beings rebelled against the Most High Maker. They took adversary against God. The adversary of God or satan is in each of us and Jesus as a man of flesh and blood had this also in him.

Satan or the the ‘tempter’ brings man to question the relationship with God. He also caught Jesus to be a prey. A young man starting his public life and having to prove himself for the community. Fasting, having hunger, knowing we need our daily bread, the tempter tried to seduce Jesus with the offer of ‘bread’.

We may not forget what is the cause of the temptation  of man, they wondering if God had the right to be their ‘dominant’ or their ‘Father‘. Many do forget that is the whole key to the fall of man. Man not willing to accept God as their Father, Who may tell them what to do.

Satan wants us to believe that we’re not children of God. When the adversary of God tours around us, in our mind, temptation will come in the form to make use doubt the position of the Most High God. Man gets blinded by his own thoughts which try to mislead him.The adverser will use our relationship with God as a weapon against us. He also wants us to believe we do not need God, but that we are able to live on the material of the earth, like bread, and that those goods will keep us alive.

From this chapter we also can see that baptism is no liberator of temptation. When we are baptised it does not mean that we would not any more be tempted or would not sin any more. Be not mistaken, the adversary of God is always there to get us away from God. Even when we are sometimes doubting he will be more at work.

English: Temptation of Christ in the Wilderness

Temptation of Christ in the Wilderness (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Perhaps the moments we take time to think about everything and to be just on our own, meditating, are the most dangerous moments to become tempted, doubting ourselves, our own ‘I am‘ and the Most High ‘I Am’ the ‘I Am that I Am‘ or the ‘I Am Who is‘.

Too many people do forget that Jesus could be and was tempted many times. God cannot be tempted, but Jesus as an ordinary man (though specially made by God) was like any man able to sin, but never did sin. Jesus never went against the wishes of God. He could put his own will aside for doing the Will of God.


[1] Was led: Mark 1:12 says the Spirit “drove” so that Jesus became “driven” into the desert.

[2] Tempted: God cannot be “tempted” (James 1:13,) though Jesus is here, three times.

[3] Devil: The Greek is DIABOLOS. Meaning “Slanderer,” or “Liar,” this name for Satan occurs 36 times, never in the Hebrew Bible and first here. Note that the Dragon is on hand when the “woman gives birth” to a spiritual Son (Revelation 12:4).

[4] Forty days: An experience shared by only two others: Moses and Elijah (Exodus 24:18; 1 Kings 19:8).

[5] Hungry: Jesus becomes hungry several times in the Gospel accounts (Matthew 21:18; Mark 11:12). May it be assumed that God cannot become hungry?

[6] If you are a son: Two things are noticed here: the word “if” is an attempt to create doubt; and, the Devil calls Jesus “a son” knowing full well he is “the Son.”

[7] Stones: These have already been mentioned when John spoke of God’s ability to make sons of Abraham from stones (Matthew 3:9).

[8] Bread: Self-denial was the law of our Lord’s mission (Philippians 2:6-8).

[9] Written: The first Bible verse quoted by Jesus (Deuteronomy 8:3).

[10] Utterance: The Greek is RHEMATI. Or, KJV: word; RHM: declaration; KNX: words.



Preceding articles

Nazarene Commentary Matthew 3:1-6 – A Wilderness Baptist Prepares the Way

Nazarene Commentary Matthew 3:7-12 – Opposition and Two Baptisms

Nazarene Commentary Matthew 3:13-17 – Jesus Declared God’s Son at His Baptism

Nazarene Commentary Luke 3:15-17 – The Baptisms of the One Coming

Nazarene Commentary Luke 3:21-23 – The Baptism of Christ

2015 the year of ISIS


Nazarene Commentary Matthew 4:5-7 – A Temptation to Test God

Nazarene Commentary Matthew 4:8-11 – A Temptation to Gain World Rule

Nazarene Commentary Matthew 4:12-17 – Galilee Saw A Great Light

Nazarene Commentary Matthew 4:18-22 – The Calling of the First Disciples

Nazarene Commentary Matthew 4:23-25 – Kingdom Preaching and Healing Draws Crowds


Additional reading

  1. To mean, to think, outing your opinion, conviction, belief – Menen, mening, overtuiging, opinie, geloof
  2. Words to inspire and to give wisdom
  3. What we do
  4. The I Am to explore
  5. Just One More Minute
  6. satan or devil
  7. Satan the evil within
  8. The Son can do nothing of his own accord
  9. Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God
  10. Sayings of Jesus, what to believe and being or not of the devil


Further reading

  1. Jesus is tested – In the wilderness
  2. Temptation in the Desert
  3. The Temptation of Jesus
  4. Dealing With Temptation
  5. But Deliver Us from the Evil One
  6. Watch Over Us
  7. Does God Love Satan? (1 of 2)
  8. The Devil Made Me Do it…
  9. Getting Testy
  10. When we stumble
  11. Love Came Down in Obedience/L’amour est descendu dans l’obéissance
  12. 40 days
  13. 40 days and 40 nights
  14. SMS 144 Matthew 4:2-3
  15. Stones Into Bread
  16. My Life As An Itchy Man
  17. The Camera




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