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Posts tagged ‘Moral values’

Belgian Biblestudents website 2016 in review

First article for the 2005 November opening of the WordPress site of the Belgian Bible Students - Eerste artikel bij de opening in november 2005 van de WordPress site van de Belgische Bijbel Studenten

First article for the 2005 November opening of the WordPress site of the Belgian Bible Students – Eerste artikel bij de opening in november 2005 van de WordPress site van de Belgische Bijbel Studenten

After our (real) start on WordPress in October 2010 we generated in the first two years not so many viewers, taking it until April 2012 before we really left MSM and Bijbelvorsers Blogspot (started in 2005) aside and started presenting ourself on this other platform. That step forwards on the Mount Everest brought us 3 200 views in 2012 with only 27 new posts.

In 2013 the amount of postings increased up to 87 new postings giving us 7 600 views. One year later there was a little dip with only 63 new postings getting 6 697 views from 4 666 visitors. It seemed we were not so much liked in that turbulent year, having only 19 likes and 19 comments.

2015 got us back on track after some difficult year, not to say the least. 7 683 views from 5 168 visitors where good for the 93 newly published articles.

After 4 247 home page views in 2015, that page could attract 4 285 views, bringing the total views for 2015 up to 8 922 for 5 821 visitors willing to give us 54 likes and 26 comments.

We are pleased we may have found 79 followers in the year 2016 and viewers from all over the world, having most coming from the United States of America 2 909, followed by the Netherlands with 1 213 views and 1 108 views from Belgium. Next comes Great Britain with 524 and France with 226 views, though it was a French article that got most of the views, namely ‘l’ Élection de Matthias’ with 446 views, getting its English version ‘The Election of the apostle Matthias’ 363 views.

English: Personal bible study Português: Estud...

Personal bible study (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In 2016 most energy went into the writing of the comparison of English Bible translations, with the series “Old and newer King James Versions and other translations”. With that series and the article From Bibles and other religious writings and those who witness for Jehovah we do hope English people who think the King James version is the only one true Bible Translation come to see that God always has protected His own Word and that as well in English as in other languages God provided serious good translations of His Divine Word.

Many people may confuse us with Jehovah’s Witnesses and be not pleased with their and our preaching. Therefore 2016 was also a year to reflect on the Witnessing of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, as well on our witnessing, plus on picturing the Governing body. We also gave the word to a former elder of that denomination.

We looked how not only human teaching or human doctrines defiled God’s Word in certain Bible translations and certain Christian denominations, but how 2016 was also the year such human thinking has brought secularism to be very dangerous for freedom of religion and freedom of thought and played with morals and values, (in particular the French values)but that human teachings shall pass away. Though there shall always exist people who shall try to do their utmost best to worship the Only One True God in the best way to please that Host of host.
Concerning that worship we ave our view on Christian worship music and on the lifting of hands at a service, towards the Most High. In a Dutch article we also tackled this subject at From Guestwriters. (Zingen over moeilijkheden en lijden ook noodzakelijk in kerkgemeenschap)

In 2016 also at Stepping Toes we looked at the Bible how it tells us how from nothing and chaos came order, just by the impeccable Word, the Voice in the Void, which brought everything into being but would be also the essential guide for mankind. (Word-Verbum-Logos-Ereyga) and at From Guestwriters we talked about that masterly copied and reproduced Word to feed the minds, to bring the most important translation…

In April we also looked at Stepping Toes at a nice resume of what we have to remember to do and what we should not or may not do, in the article Displeasures and Actions of the Almighty God.

In 2016 we also started to present writings which are from guest-speakers, so that other voices could be presented and gave you some other or equal insight.
As such you may find writings presented by Guestspeaker, presenting also different Guest-writers or re-blogged articles, and Relating to God who shall offer specific articles about our relation to the Most High.

Now we have put the first 5 years on WordPress behind us and look forward to the coming next five years in which we shall continue to present the Nazarene Commentary, looking at that very important Nazarene teacher who was born 2020 years ago, and who should receive our full attention, him being the Way to God.


We do hope you may accompany us on our further road-trip looking forward to the return of our master and our intentions to live according God’s Wishes so that we all can enter the Kingdom of God as loving brothers and sisters in Christ.



2010 – 2014 in review

Belgian Bible Students review of 2015

From Bibles and other religious writings and those who witness for Jehovah


Additional reading

  1. At the closing hours of 2016 #1 Looking down at terror
  2. At the closing hours of 2016 #2 Low but also highlights
  3. From Guestwriters 2016 in review


Other reviews for 2016

  1. 2016 highlights 
  2. 2016 in Review
  3. 2016 in Review (by Conor)
  4. 2016 in Review …..
  5. Looking Back at 2016…
  6. 2016: A Series of Unfortunate Revelations
  7. So That Was 2016..Year in Review
  8. Year In Review – 2016
  9. 2016: The Big Review
  10. My Year in Review: 2016
  11. Build and Believe
  12. (One Year Blogiversy and 100 followers special) 2016 in review and looking into the future
  13. My One Word for 2017: Onward
  14. How 2016 Measured Up . . . for Prayer
  15. Change (a reflection on 2016)
  16. Most popular posts of 2016
  17. Thank you 2016





Christians, secularism, morals and values

Our western society has been under much pressure lately. Many could see that humans are hard- and soft-wired towards co-operation as much as competition. One may wonder if there is such a thing as the common good of society, shared morals and values, and that individuals need common rules for living together and contributing to the overall health of their society. {A relentlessly upbeat take on citizenship: My Review of Belonging: The Paradox of Citizenship}

After a long time that people had it very easy, they now come tested again. They once again have to become aware that

Nothing is easy, all goes slowly, we carry time as a very heavy burden, but little by little we see clearly and advance… Living spiritual life — as opposed to religious life — is very difficult because spiritual life happens within whereas religion comes from outside oneself. {Advancing in spiritual life}

Though today many seem to forget that the religious life, coming from outside, when forced to some some one has no value and is just an empty box. Religion has to be chosen by the person himself or herself. For adults it is the own choice to belong to a certain religion. For an adult it is also the own choice how they live that religion. The best can this be seen in West Europe were lots of people say they are Catholic but where the majority does not live up to Catholic rules, and where even more than 90% even does not belief all the Catholic dogma‘s and do not affirm to the Catholic sacraments. they have come to an age where they made themselves a religion for their own. But they also should come to see that there are others who sincerely belief in God and want to serve that God (Allah, the Elohim Hashem Jehovah) to their best efforts.

Several people have lots of questions of life and death and want to have something to hold an and look for some spirituality. This spirituality is different than the religiosity.

Spiritual life, although it has a unique goal throughout the world which is the Union of All that is the Creator and all creatures, takes place in a wide variation of form and thought, because there is a constant rapport between spiritual life which is unique with the variable environment of the moment. {Advancing in spiritual life}

People have looked for different ways to come to see, meet and have a relationship with each other and with that Creator of the universe. Thousands of forms have been found to bring themselves to higher spheres and to try to make contact with the inner self and with creation and Creator. Lots of techniques found day light for humans to find ways to bring their body and soul in unison.  Many techniques are daily used by people all over the world to keep their body and soul healthy and to become a human which is in balance.

That balance is brought in danger by many factors and mostly by the impacts from outside world.

Man and woman in swimsuits, ca. 1910; she is exiting a bathing machine

At the beginning of the 21st century man in the West clearly has a troubled mind about tohorah or ritual purity, modesty, personality, self-expression, freedom or liberty, morals and values. Living in a place where the population in previous years was brought up under Judeo Christian values, those values seem long forgotten, and some, like the French some have chosen to oblige totally different moral values.

France’s Burkini Ban

Under the pressure of Islamic terrorists, people in the West have gotten such a fear which seems to trouble their mind so much they can not think straight any more. So, many suddenly start looking to see danger everywhere, even in women wearing certain clothes.

Normally you would think we are living in a multicultural society where it should be possible that

We do not need to like or love our fellow citizens. But we have to respect them and engage with them. {A relentlessly upbeat take on citizenship: My Review of Belonging: The Paradox of Citizenship}

At the moment the world shows that respect is totally gone. There does seem to be no respect at all for people who have chosen an other way of thinking and living than theirs. It looks like today everybody has to agree with the same and has to be cut from the same cloth or has to be the same buffoon.

Lots of people are not willing any more to think about certain matters or to do some more research about certain things, to come to know more about it. Everything seems to be of the same cut and everybody is tarred with the same brush.

Take for example Islamic people living here in the West. Lots of people consider them a danger for our society because they hear a lot about those Islamic terrorists and have recently seen that those fundamentalist Muslims created havoc in our own regions killing many citizens.  Lots of people do forget they also killed many Muslims, Jews, atheists, Christians and other believers and that they really have nothing to do with the real Islam. They also do not seem to know that in the East even Sunni‘s came to fight against those so called Sunni Muslims of Daesh.

Women wearing hijab

In Europe we may find today a very big issue about Muslim faith, they way those people cloth, namely the hijab (headscarf) or turban, burka (full body cloak) or burqa and burkini or burqini becoming the symbol of Islam and all that there is about Islam. It has come so far that we see that a garment now defines Islam. But only a name could make them afraid to and have them saying a bukhara (Bukhoro or Bokhara) should be forbidden though then we shall not be able to eat any Bukhara Chutney (Plum Sauce) any more.

A cloth, has become Islam. The issue is that modesty and virtue have been reduced to the abundance or lack of abundance of a garment. And that indeed is a shame. {Tell me I’m wrong about the hijab  + Maniza Naqvi is wrong on so many levels about the hijab}

For us still the idea exist that the Ummah or Muslim community is still much too silent and does not show enough the world that those terrorists are misusing the name of Allah and are not real Islam.

It does not help when we in the West hear about maltreated women in the East. A Saudi 17-year old teenager making the decision to leave her family during a vacation in Turkey this summer; a 20-year old Muslim woman ran away from her family in Saudi in 2014; Hind Al-Otaibi escaping her abusive father who raped and injured her; Sahar Al-Sharif, attempting to escape domestic violence and her abusive brothers by getting married; all Saudi women who are not criminals, but people who have simply made a conscious decision to live! Who can blame them and who can say they have caused any harm? But why should they, when coming to the West put their faith aside and come to cloth themselves like Western people, who in their eyes do have low morals and not good ethics?

Strangely enough it are on those aspects they and western Muslim women become judged, as so called being without good morals and without good values. Today those values in France seem of a totally different sort as the ones in the previous century when they made a fuss when a short or skirt was not long enough or when too much bare skin was visible. Today several French people want to see as much as naked skin as possible though they forbid full nudity because than the excitement is taken away. For them clothing has to be spicy and seducing, otherwise it is not acceptable. That seems to be the moral and ethic attitude of the majority of French people today.

That modesty and virtue have been reduced to the abundance or lack of abundance of a garment for many does not seem to be a problem, but they want to see in the way women prefer to cloth, their inability to make their own proper choice. When women are not clothed like some of the youngsters prefer today they are considered not old fashioned, but are considered to being oppressed.

People also have becoming very narrow-minded thinkers (or would we not better say non-thinkers) limiting their own thoughts not wanting to go against the mainstream.

One of the biggest mistakes people make when talking about Muslim women, rather than talking to Muslim women, is to assume that Muslim women are all the same, think the same, to ignore the diversity of thought, experience, opinion. {Tell me I’m Wrong About the Hijab by Maniza Naqvi}

All Muslims are lumped. For the majority of Europeans they are all the same, from the same wet jar. Many of French or other Europeans, even do not come to see the difference between hijab, burka and burkini. They condemn and reject it without logic thinking and without good fundamental thought.

In case those people, who call themselves Christian, but adhere a trinity, do not want to come up for those women who love God more than man, real Christians, who love only One True God, should speak for those other lovers of God (Allah) and who have chosen to cover their body for God.

Real Christians should show that world which thinks it has good morals, that her morals have become polluted and reprehensible. They should show the world that it are not such good morals when man wants to exploit women as a sex object.

We as Christians should show the world that lovers of God should follow the rules of God and should respect each others and their own body. In the same way we should know that we have to be careful not to tempt others or to bring others to wrong thoughts about our body. We also should consider our body to be holy, i.e. set apart for God and for the one who intensely love and want to share our life with. This means that we should have the right to keep our own body to that person or persons who we want to share our body with or would not mind being seen in our natural skin.

We also should respect those women who want to go so far to cover a lot of their body. We also should show the world that we ought to respect those women for their choice of reserving their bodies just for their beloved.

For some it may look like those women are oppressed by their husband, but did they ever thought it might be the strong women their own choice to believe in certain values which may be much higher than the present values of the world?

Jews, Christians and Muslims should be lovers of God and as such prefer to keep to the Law of God much more than to the preferences of the majority of the world, who have abandoned God. Real lovers of God should know that the world its secularism, does not have to mean they have to follow in all the world their liberties.

Real lovers of God should always have in mind that the Law of God should be on the first place. That Divine Law is part or should be part of the Judeo Christian values our Western world should be keeping to, but many have gotten wrong ideas about those values, because they do not know their Scriptures any more.

It is up to lovers of God to come up for other lovers of God and to show those who have gone astray or do not know God to show the Way to God.


Preceding article: Secularism in France becoming dangerous for freedom of religion


Find also to read about the burqini or burkini:

  1. Women’s Groups Say Gender Equality is a Must for Sustainable Development
  2. Gender connections
  3. Gender equality and women’s rights in the post-2015 agenda
  4. What is Racism??
  5. Is Europe going to become a dictatorial bastion
  6. On French beach French police forces woman to undress in public
  7. Women in France running with naked bosom all right but with covered bosom penalised
  8. France and the Burkini
  9. French showing to the whole world their fear and weaknesses
  10. Pew Research: How People in Muslim Countries Believe Women Should Dress
  11. Allowing dress code according liberty of religion
  12. The Dress Code for Women in the Quran
  13. Meditating Muslimah on “hijab to be a religious obligation”
  14. Coverings Worn by Muslim Women
  15. Does Banning Face Veils Help Us Fight Terrorism?
  16. Islamism Rises from Europe’s Secularism
  17. You are what you wear
  18. Where’s the Outrage Over Nun Beachwear? – The Daily Beast
  19. Not limiting others but sharing peace with all
  20. What we don’t say about the refugee crisis?
  21. A charter for a truly free world and why we need it
  22. When will it stop
  23. ‘I try to keep my hate in check. If you can’t hate, you can’t love.’
  24. Meditating Muslimah on “hijab to be a religious obligation”
  25. Silence, devotion, Salafists, quietists, weaponry, bombings, books, writers and terrorists
  26. Are people willing to take the responsibility for others
  27. Colour-blindness and road code
  28. Man’s own fault and the choice to flee from fear
  29. Lovers of God, seekers and lovers of truth


Further of interest

  1. Religious Dress in Catholicism
  2. ISIS is Islamic, but most of Islam is not ISIS
  3. What if this existence is not real?
  4. The Dark Side is Strong with this One
  5. The More Things Change . . .
  6. What not to wear
  7. How Much Cover is Too Much, or Too Little? The French bathing suit controversy as represented in original source material
  8. What Not To Wear: A Short History Of Regulating Female Dress From Ancient Sparta To The Burkini
  9. Tell me what you wear
  10. Burkini Ban: Nice
  11. France’s Burkini Ban
  12. The reason you aren’t succeeding as a woman? Thats because you bleed apparently.
  13. Reviewing Channel 4’s Investigation into ISIS Sympathisers
  14. Should France launch air strikes against ISIS after Friday’s attack?
  15. The Islamic State responds to Pope Francis: “We are making a religious war, and we hate you
  16. ISIS tells the Socialist Pope that the Islamic State is in a war against the infidels approved by Allah.
  17. ISIS Responds to Pope Francis: This IS a Religious War and WE HATE YOU
  18. I Stand with Humanity ! I Stand against Terrorism #PrayforParis
  19. The Written Stuff vs.The Not Written Stuff: Sex Education From An Islamic Perspective Part I
  20. Is the Woman in Hijab oppressed? Who is a free woman ?
  21. What Hijab Means to me, Hashtag #Hijabtome
  22. Why I never wore a Hijab so far?
  23. At what point does a ban become a chance to publicly humiliate?
  24. And the Debate about Burkini Ban continues #burkiniban
  25. The Swimsuit Issue
  26. Stripped Down Make-up and Full Cover Suits.
  27. Nawaz: Both Sides Are Wrong in the Burkini Wars – The Daily Beast
  28. Burkini ban overturned
  29. What a lot of Berk(a)s
  30. I got 99 problems and the burkini is one of them…really?
  31. Bombs in a burkini?
  32. Bretons bathe fully clothed as Muslim asked to leave beach
  33. My Burkini and I
  34. This is why.
  35. The Story In A Rug
  36. You’ve Got to BurKining Me!
  37. Ramadan Kareem!
  38. Requiem
  39. What Can You Learn Through Someone Or Something Shivered? — Michael J. Fite
  40. Finding yourself
  41. Beauty Eclipsed: Day 8 – Focus inward
  42. Beauty Eclipsed #9: Surface vs Core
  43. A Journey From Being Alone To Alone
  44. Own, Apologize, Repair: Coming Back to Integrity
  45. Counter-Activism…or… Subverting Democracy
  46. The world in trouble
  47. i know why the caged bird shrieks…
  48. Darkness
  49. What do we do?
  50. The New Testament Church Part 2
  51. Peace
  52. De-Stress Your Mind & Body
  53. Let a young woman accept as a life companion only one who posseses pure,manly traits of character,one who is diligent,aspiring,one who loves and fear God.
  54. Why I wear the iron maiden: One woman on dressing modestly in everyday life
  55. Turn away from companions who will lead you in wrong paths.
  56. How legitimate is Christian Head-covering?
  57. Misnomer
  58. Why We Are Not Meant To Live Our Lives Naked
  59. There Is No Biblical Reason Why Women Can’t Go Topless?
  60. Power Of Happiness
  61. Being Grateful and Being Sorry—Are You Humble Enough To Do Both?
  62. …make this gift count.


Age To Come

The Lord Jesus Christ is the last Adam, not the first God-man. ~~~


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