An other Christian site – Een andere Christelijke site

Posts tagged ‘2016’

Belgian Biblestudents website 2016 in review

First article for the 2005 November opening of the WordPress site of the Belgian Bible Students - Eerste artikel bij de opening in november 2005 van de WordPress site van de Belgische Bijbel Studenten

First article for the 2005 November opening of the WordPress site of the Belgian Bible Students – Eerste artikel bij de opening in november 2005 van de WordPress site van de Belgische Bijbel Studenten

After our (real) start on WordPress in October 2010 we generated in the first two years not so many viewers, taking it until April 2012 before we really left MSM and Bijbelvorsers Blogspot (started in 2005) aside and started presenting ourself on this other platform. That step forwards on the Mount Everest brought us 3 200 views in 2012 with only 27 new posts.

In 2013 the amount of postings increased up to 87 new postings giving us 7 600 views. One year later there was a little dip with only 63 new postings getting 6 697 views from 4 666 visitors. It seemed we were not so much liked in that turbulent year, having only 19 likes and 19 comments.

2015 got us back on track after some difficult year, not to say the least. 7 683 views from 5 168 visitors where good for the 93 newly published articles.

After 4 247 home page views in 2015, that page could attract 4 285 views, bringing the total views for 2015 up to 8 922 for 5 821 visitors willing to give us 54 likes and 26 comments.

We are pleased we may have found 79 followers in the year 2016 and viewers from all over the world, having most coming from the United States of America 2 909, followed by the Netherlands with 1 213 views and 1 108 views from Belgium. Next comes Great Britain with 524 and France with 226 views, though it was a French article that got most of the views, namely ‘l’ Élection de Matthias’ with 446 views, getting its English version ‘The Election of the apostle Matthias’ 363 views.

English: Personal bible study Português: Estud...

Personal bible study (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In 2016 most energy went into the writing of the comparison of English Bible translations, with the series “Old and newer King James Versions and other translations”. With that series and the article From Bibles and other religious writings and those who witness for Jehovah we do hope English people who think the King James version is the only one true Bible Translation come to see that God always has protected His own Word and that as well in English as in other languages God provided serious good translations of His Divine Word.

Many people may confuse us with Jehovah’s Witnesses and be not pleased with their and our preaching. Therefore 2016 was also a year to reflect on the Witnessing of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, as well on our witnessing, plus on picturing the Governing body. We also gave the word to a former elder of that denomination.

We looked how not only human teaching or human doctrines defiled God’s Word in certain Bible translations and certain Christian denominations, but how 2016 was also the year such human thinking has brought secularism to be very dangerous for freedom of religion and freedom of thought and played with morals and values, (in particular the French values)but that human teachings shall pass away. Though there shall always exist people who shall try to do their utmost best to worship the Only One True God in the best way to please that Host of host.
Concerning that worship we ave our view on Christian worship music and on the lifting of hands at a service, towards the Most High. In a Dutch article we also tackled this subject at From Guestwriters. (Zingen over moeilijkheden en lijden ook noodzakelijk in kerkgemeenschap)

In 2016 also at Stepping Toes we looked at the Bible how it tells us how from nothing and chaos came order, just by the impeccable Word, the Voice in the Void, which brought everything into being but would be also the essential guide for mankind. (Word-Verbum-Logos-Ereyga) and at From Guestwriters we talked about that masterly copied and reproduced Word to feed the minds, to bring the most important translation…

In April we also looked at Stepping Toes at a nice resume of what we have to remember to do and what we should not or may not do, in the article Displeasures and Actions of the Almighty God.

In 2016 we also started to present writings which are from guest-speakers, so that other voices could be presented and gave you some other or equal insight.
As such you may find writings presented by Guestspeaker, presenting also different Guest-writers or re-blogged articles, and Relating to God who shall offer specific articles about our relation to the Most High.

Now we have put the first 5 years on WordPress behind us and look forward to the coming next five years in which we shall continue to present the Nazarene Commentary, looking at that very important Nazarene teacher who was born 2020 years ago, and who should receive our full attention, him being the Way to God.


We do hope you may accompany us on our further road-trip looking forward to the return of our master and our intentions to live according God’s Wishes so that we all can enter the Kingdom of God as loving brothers and sisters in Christ.



2010 – 2014 in review

Belgian Bible Students review of 2015

From Bibles and other religious writings and those who witness for Jehovah


Additional reading

  1. At the closing hours of 2016 #1 Looking down at terror
  2. At the closing hours of 2016 #2 Low but also highlights
  3. From Guestwriters 2016 in review


Other reviews for 2016

  1. 2016 highlights 
  2. 2016 in Review
  3. 2016 in Review (by Conor)
  4. 2016 in Review …..
  5. Looking Back at 2016…
  6. 2016: A Series of Unfortunate Revelations
  7. So That Was 2016..Year in Review
  8. Year In Review – 2016
  9. 2016: The Big Review
  10. My Year in Review: 2016
  11. Build and Believe
  12. (One Year Blogiversy and 100 followers special) 2016 in review and looking into the future
  13. My One Word for 2017: Onward
  14. How 2016 Measured Up . . . for Prayer
  15. Change (a reflection on 2016)
  16. Most popular posts of 2016
  17. Thank you 2016





From Bibles and other religious writings and those who witness for Jehovah

Whatever language is your native tongue or first language, God has taken care every person wherever in the world shall be able to read His Word and shall be able to come to understanding.

We also know the importance of the preaching of that Word of God. Coming closer to the end-times the Word of God shall be preached all over the world. To do that, God uses lots of people. They may come from all sorts of walks of life and from all sorts of denominations. One main same crunch and likeness point is that they are real lovers of God who want to show the world Who God is and which way we have to go to reach the goal God has set in front of mankind.

It are those lovers of God, who are willing to study God His Word and prefer God His Word above the words of mere human beings, that want to show the world how Jesus is the Way to God and not to himself, like some trinitarian Christians may think. Jesus knew very clear Who God was and that he is lower than this Mighty God Who knows everything, whilst Jesus had to learn everything and did not know a lot of things, even had no knowledge of very important things at the end of his life and after he was resurrected from the dead.

All over the world you may find sincere Bible Students of different denominations, but all with the same goal, to worship One and Only One True God, the God of Israel.

pt: Trabalho de evangelização típico das Teste...

Evangelisation by going from door to door by the Jehovah’s Witnessess (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

People may know the Jehovah Witnesses very well and may not see that there are also many other lovers of God who preach for that same Jehovah, because He is the Elohim Hashem Adonai Whose Name is Holy and should be praised. Many others than the Witnesses of Jehovah witness for Jehovah. The Jehovah’s Witnesses also should know they are not the only ones preaching in the name of God.

Christians should also know that it are not only Christians who worship God, because that is too often a wrong thought of many Christians. In the world there are many religions where people try to build up a relationship with God. They all may have their own peculiarities, but they are looking for the same Spirit, the Eternal Divine Creator. Some of them still may not know His real Name, and use titles which also belong to Him. Others may use a name or title not familiar in an other culture or language.

What is important that wherever people are in the world, whatever language they speak, is that they come to know the Most High Divine Creator.

2016 has been a very particular difficult hoar year where several groups did everything to blacken religion and in extremis those religions where there are people who try to worship only One True God in the best way they can think of. In Europe, Asia and America Jews were bullied and felt threatened. Muslims did not have it easy either by some so called Islamic groups blackening their religion and having so many people getting afraid of everything that smells of the Islam world.

The fear ISIS brought over Europe was so much damaging to the Muslim community that it got envisioned as something from the devil by many Christians and atheists. Many citizens could not at all bring up any respect for the way how those people wanted to commit themselves to their faith.

The Muslim faith came to be in such a bad light that everything close to a Mohammedan has gotten a bad smell. For that reason it is not bad Christians better to revise their view and should have a closer look to the real sincere Muhammadan or real Muslim.

Lots of people did everything to get religious people to become divided. Lots of so called Christians started to oppose Muslims, calling them names and even attacking them. The other way round certain Islamic countries took adversary to Christians who also used God’s title Allah.

It is nice that we may find you here as one of our readers. Perhaps you also know other sites of International Bible Students or do you also visit other sites of Bible Scholars, like Bijbelvorsers. In March we also presented already some new websites for 2016 which make an effort to bring people to God. As such for English readers there is the site and blog Relating to God.

We also do find it important that we as children of God come to know other creatures of God and come to understand the way of thinking of such other human beings.

For this reason we would like to present to you two new websites which also try to bring people to the One and Only One True God.

The first one, which started at the end of November, may be from an awkward person asking lots of questions. As Lastige Vragensteller or Troublesome Inquirer, he poses many questions but dares also to look at the many answers Muslim and Christian writers may offer to humanity and compares it by what he can read in what those religions say what their Holy Writings are. As such you shall be able to compare Quran verses with Bible verses and perhaps find some light shed on what Muslims might believe right or wrong and on what Christians might believe right or wrong according to their own writings.

That inquirer is not afraid to question both religions and to notice how in Islam Faith as well as Christian Faith there are groups which do not adhere the teachings of who they say they are following. For him it is clear that there are false teachers as well in the Muslim as in the Christian world and that we should be very careful before we judge one or the other group, knowing that there is such thing as not true Islam and not true Catholicism or not true ‘Christianism’ in Christendom opposed to Christianity which always should be pure, with people following the teachings of Jesus.



The other new website which stared only a few days later, in December, also wants to tackle the differences in Christendom and/or Christianity with the thought of the Jewish rabbi Jeshua, who is by English speaking people mostly called Jesus. Immanuel Verbondskind looks at that Christ from the Christians and concludes that there are many Christians who have taken Jesus as their god, though that master teacher never claimed to be God, and as every Jew only worshipped One Singular and not a Tri-une god.

Comparing the writings on which Jesus based his teachings, namely the Tanakh, with the Torah, the Writings and the Prophets, Immanuel Verbondskind also looks at the second group of Writings (the Kethuvim Beth or Messianic writings) and notices how many Christians have gone far away from what is really written in the original texts, often also having wrong ideas because they do not understand the Jewish way of thinking.

For this writer and his blog it is of utmost importance to return to the original texts and to keep to the infallible Word of God, which is handed over to mankind by the pen of several by God chosen men, scribes and prophets. for that reason he also first looks at how we do have to come to read those precious Scriptures which god gave to mankind to come to know Him.


Both blogs focus on God’s Word and say that Voice of God should be the Guidance in our life and not the dogmatic teachings of people.

As a young wanderer Immanuel Verbondskind shall look at the way of speaking of the different religious entities, which both claim to worship One God. He shall look at the religious penmen or theologians and shall uncover their teachings which are not in line with the Biblical teachings. Though for him is it clear that Christians concerning God should be in line with Jews, but Christ Jesus can never be the God of the Jews, like it also never was the God of Abraham nor the God of Jesus himself.

So many Christians have lost the track and have come to believe more the false teachings of a three-headed god, because they did not listen to God, not to God His sent one, the son of man and son of God, rabbi Jeshua or  Jesus Christ and do not come to see the Plan of the Master Maker God.

Reading the Holy Scriptures is essential to come to the Truth. At this website we do expect to have several quotes from the Holy Scriptures to be presented and to be looked at, when speaking about certain Jewish traditions and Christian traditions which have nothing to do with God יהוה (YHWH = Yod Heh Vav Heh = Jehovah) His Word but where imposed to man by ‘theologians‘ or rebbe.


We do hope you may find interesting articles at those two sites which each looks from a different angle at Christianity.

Enjoy reading and get inspired to take up your bible and to compare what is said with what is written in the Bible.



Many churches

Good or bad preacher

Male domination and tyranny giving opportunities to defile the Name of God

Our openness to being approachable

You Are The Truth

Helping websites to prepare for the last days


Additional reading

    1. Not true or True Catholicism and True Islam
    2. 2013 Lifestyle, religiously and spiritualy
    3. At the closing hours of 2016 #2 Low but also highlights
    4. Digging in words, theories and artefacts
    5. Approachers of ideas around gods, philosophers and theologians
    6. Daring to speak in multicultural environment
    7. Maybe it is About Me
    8. Exceptionalism and Restricting Laws
    9. Manifests for believers #5 Christian Union
    10. Evangelisation, local preaching opposite overseas evangelism
    11. Engaging the culture without losing the gospel
    12. Why the church keeps losing it’s grounds.
    13. Looking for a biblically sound church
    14. Challenging claim 4 Inspired by God 3 Self-consistent Word of God
    15. Bible in the first place #1/3
    16. Jewish and Christian traditions of elders
    17. Three new sites to discover the real Jesus
    18. A Place for Questions
    19. New websites for 2016 to take in mind and to visit
    20. The Evidence, You Decide website


Further reading

  1. Denominations
  2. Examining Christianity’s Roots & Denominations
  3. Denominations & A map of the most common Christian denominations by county
  4. Denominaitons & Largest 25 Denominations/Communions from the 2012 Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches.
  5. Is Roman Catholicism Just Another Denomination?
  6. One Voice
  7. The Bigger Picture
  8. The urge to merge: A few notes about Presbyterian agencies
  9. Growing God’s Church: How People Are Actually Coming to Faith Today
  10. Token Minorities in Reformed Churches
  11. The Church Should Maintain Theological Distinctions
  12. Loyalty Today
  13. Dedicated to God, Not a Denomination
  14. Diversity, Unity, Liberty…Love
  15. Why Prayer Meetings Fail
  16. Aren’t They all Churches of Christ?
  17. Don’t Ever Call Me a Baptist
  18. Who is a Heretic?
  19. Christianity & individualistic communities; the perfect exclusivity storm
  20. Your church isn’t THE church: tribal denominationalism
  21. Is Our Jesus Unnecessary? The Long Erosion of the PC(USA)
  22. Her God, His God, Your God, My God
  23. Christian traditions: Where do we fall short? II – One Body
  24. The Not So Assemblies
  25. An Agnostic Christian Socialist’s Confession of Faith
  26. Church of Christ: Part 1
  27. Church of Christ: Part 3 – What’s Going to Happen?
  28. Why Should Churches Connect?
  29. A Church of their Word




Age To Come

The Lord Jesus Christ is the last Adam, not the first God-man. ~~~


I go undercover in the Jehovah's Witness Church

Jehovah's Zsion, Zion and Sion Mom Signal for the Peoples!

Thy Empire and Kingdom Zsion Come as In Heavens So on Earth. Diatheke. Matthew.6.10, Tanakh.Psalm.87 and


A discussion of interesting books from my current stock at

Unmasking anti Jehovah sites and people

Showing the only One True God and the Way to That God

The Eccentric Fundamentalist

Musings on theology, apologetics, practical Christianity and God's grace in salvation through Jesus Christ

John 20:21

"As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you."

The Biblical Review

Reviewing Publications, History, and Biblical Literature

Words on the Word

Blog by Abram K-J


Hier bestudeer ons die redes vir die verskille in Bybelvertalings.

Michael Bradley - Time Traveler

The official website of Michael Bradley - Author of novels, short stories and poetry involving the past, future, and what may have been.


"Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life." Revelation 2:10


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van zaadjes in volle grond tot iets lekkers op het bord

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