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Posts tagged ‘Control’

Inculcate God’s words and speak of them

These words that I am commanding you today must be on your heart, and you must inculcate them in* your sons+ and speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road and when you lie down and when you get up.+ .—Deut. 6:6-7.

And these words that I am commanding you today must prove to be on your heart;+ and you must inculcate them in your son+ and speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road and when you lie down+ and when you get up.(Ref.B.)

inculcate them in: Or “repeat them to; impress them upon.”

your sons:

  • Genesis 18:19: 19 For I have come to know him in order that he may command his sons and his household after him to keep Jehovah’s way by doing what is right and just,+ so that Jehovah may bring about what he has promised concerning Abraham.”
  • Deuteronomy 4:9: “Just be careful and watch yourself closely,* so that you may not forget the things that your eyes have seen and so that they may not depart from your heart all the days of your life. You must also make them known to your sons and to your grandsons.+
  • Proverbs 22:6: Train a boy* in the way he should go;+ Even when he grows old he will not depart from it.+
  • Ephesians 6:4: And fathers, do not be irritating your children,+ but go on bringing them up in the discipline+ and admonition* of Jehovah.*+
  • Proverbs 13:24: 24 Whoever holds back his rod* hates his son,+ But the one who loves him disciplines him diligently.*+
  • Proverbs 19:18: 18 Discipline your son while there is hope,+ And do not become responsible for* his death.+
  • Proverbs 22:15: 15 Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a boy,*+ But the rod of discipline will remove it far from him.+
  • Hebrews 12:6: for those whom Jehovah* loves he disciplines, in fact, he scourges* everyone whom he receives as a son.”+

when you lie down and when you get up:

  • Deuteronomy 11:19: 19 Teach them to your children, speaking about them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road and when you lie down and when you get up.+

Generally, children love their parents, and parents love their children. This is especially true in Christian households.

Although parents and children yearn to be close to one another, communication is sometimes difficult. Many families find that it is challenging to have enough time for meaningful communication. That was not always the case. In ancient Israel, children spent the day either with their mother at home or with their father in the fields or at his workplace. There was plenty of time for children and parents to be together and converse. Consequently, parents were in a position to get to know the needs, desires, and personality of their children. Likewise, there was time and sufficient opportunity for children to get to know their parents well. How different life is today! w13 5/15 4:2-4

Keep the Lines of Communication Open

It is important that children early on become accustomed to communicating with their parents. Otherwise, when the children are adolescents and perhaps face problems, they will not think of their parents as friends whom they can talk to.

How can you help them to open their hearts? (Proverbs 20:5) says:

“Counsel in the heart of a man is as deep waters, but the man of discernment is one that will draw it up.”

By using viewpoint questions, such as “What do you think?” parents can encourage their children to express their thoughts and feelings.

What will you do if your child makes a serious mistake? That is the time when he needs kind consideration. Control your emotions while you listen to your child. A father says this about his way of dealing with such a situation:

“When the children make mistakes, I try not to overreact. I sit down and listen to what they have to say. I try to grasp the situation. When I find it difficult to control my spirit, I wait a while and calm down.”

If you control your emotions and listen, the correction you give will more readily be accepted.

Father taking time to be and to speak with daughter - Vader die tijd neemt om samen met zijn dochter te zijn en met haar te praten


In other languages:

Gods woorden inscherpen en erover spreken

God se woorde inskerp en daaroor praat

Gottes Worte einschärfen und davon reden

Inculques les paroles de Jéhovah et en parles


Additional reading:

  1. Exhortation -Exhortatie of uiteenzetting
  2. Foundation to go the distance
  3. Control and change
  4. Malefactors becoming your master
  5. Be ye angry and sin not
  6. Patience is the ability to count down before blasting off
  7. He who smiles rather than rages is always the stronger
  8. Illusion of control
  9. How to make sustainable, green habits second nature


Further reading:


Praying is surrendering in all circumstances

When you don't get what you askedPatience and self-control

It takes patience and self-control to trudge through difficult times, and it requires from us some faith in that what is promised to us in the very old days.

With praying we can ask but also say thank you and give praise. When everything goes right it is easy to forget God or it may also be easy to say thanks to God for times of health and prosperity. But when things go wrong or we do have a lot of problems it might be more difficult to say thanks to God. Though it is not so easy to thank God for our times of trials, storms, and adversity, we are called to give thanks in All circumstances.

Praying to God is also giving Him our heart and showing Him that we do have faith in His intentions and purpose.

Growing closer by surrendering

In our faith life we do have to grow closer to the Most High Elohim. We can do that by regular intensive study of His Word. In the Bible we can find lots of prayers which we can see as examples but which we also can use as prayers to Jehovah. In good but also in bad times we should decide to praise Him in the midst of happy moments, our bad moments, our pains and sorrows. We should not see it as a sacrifice of praise but as a gift of surrender to the One Who we do love and Who offered us the Grace of Salvation.

In this world where not many do love God it might well be that we do need some courage to show our gratitude and love for God. When we do surrender to the Divine Creator, The Elohim Hashem Jehovah this will give our heavenly Father much joy and probably cause the enemy much discomfort. Our relationship and our conversation with God will also serve as a quiet witness to those all around us.

“We ought to give thanks for all fortune:
if it is good, because it is good,
if bad, because it works in us patience,
humility and the contempt of this world and the hope of our eternal country.”
~C.S. Lewis        

When we surrender to Christ and to his heavenly Father the peace of Christ will always greet us if we lift up our needs in prayer, like Jesus did also to his heavenly Father. God loves us so much that he gave His only begotten son, who showed so much love for the world that he gave his body. Jesus restored the relationship between God and His creation so that we now all can come up to Him as His children. When we are prepared to give ourself in His Hands than peace that transcends all understanding shall be available for us as for every child of God. It is never withheld or out of reach. This peace comes when we surrender our challenges and submit to God’s plan, trusting Him to equip us for every obstacle.

Intimacy with God

When we pray we are prepared to want to experience intimacy with God. To be able to do that we do have to free our mind of our daily  ‘besognes” or worries. Our mind which is so often too preoccupied with all that is going on around us we do have to liberate from those problems and thoughts that haunt us.

When we purposely draw near to God with the hopes of Him drawing near to and speaking to us, we have to remember the primary way God speaks to us. He primarily speaks to us through His Word. That Word was brought to us by men of God, His prophets of which Jesus is the most important prophet and Master Teacher. When Jesus taught His disciples to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread…” He was not teaching them to pray for food or provision. He was teaching them to meditate on the scriptures — the Word of his heavenly Father, the Only One God, to Whom Jesus gave all honour, prayed and learned us to pray to.

Chose to associate with who

To be able to come closer to God we do have to be careful with whom we do want to associate. The people who surround us shall influence us. They also shall cause that we take on a certain attitude, therefore it is important which friends we choose. Avoiding bad people who can influence us in a bad way we can show our good sides to others and be an example for God to attract other lovers of God. Together we can unite to take time to talk about God and His Word and to praise Him in unity.
When you try to go on the right path to come in a good relationship with the Most High, try to clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

Leaving the past

In case in the past we did do a lot of bad things we should regret them but not linger with them any more. Leave what happened in the past for what it was. Try to change for the good wherever you can, but that what not can be changed any more or turned back, have pity for it, but continue your way in the good sense. Try to put it away by talking with God about it and demanding pardon. For that what you regret god is willing to give forgiveness. It is not just running away from the past like nothing happened, but it is taking on the right attitude to take on, continue your way in a better direction.

Loving God you should make an end to your old life and build up a new life. By trying to set your self apart from the world, i.e. becoming a saint the first on the list of your concerns should be sharing the love Christ had for you with others. As love is patient you should show patience for yourself and for others, forgiving others for what they did wrong to you and praying for them, showing God you forgive them and you feel with them. when you take on the right attitude to others who wrong you, you shall be able to cure more sins than by wanting to bring condemnation. When you are angry or even mad at some one try to take a moment with God, asking Him for advice, giving Him the ability to help you to do the right thing. You may be angry but do not sin. Always remember that your struggles develop your strengths. We also should always remember that the words we use and the tone in which we use are going to define our but also other’s life. They will speak life or death to ourself but also to our children and their children. Therefore it is important that we balance our thoughts and choose our words rightly. Do not be afraid to ask help to God to find the right words to use. God can give us grace even when we are stressed and overwhelmed, that our children never take the below from our words.

Habits, attitude, action and reaction

Mary Magdalene, in a dramatic 19th-century pop...

Mary Magdalene, in a dramatic 19th-century popular image of penitence painted by Ary Scheffer. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We should know that we as creatures of habit, we continually return to what we know. For lots of people the unknown frightens them. Though that we do know is not always the safe place. Sometimes, that is a place of discomfort or sadness or frustration. Sometimes, it is the easy place to be, or the one that keeps us financially stable or under the radar. Sometimes it is not that a situation can’t be changed; it is more that we lack the courage to make change happen. There is risk involved.

Often we can see what is happening but do not dare to react. Often we are afraid for reactions of others. As Christians we should know what is good and what is bad and should dare to speak for what is going wrong. But the way we are going to react is very important and for this we can counsel God first in prayer. Though perhaps there can be lots of things outside ourselves which we can not control, but our inner self, our own being we should be able to control and let it to be guided by God’s Wisdom.

Taking on Christ’s attitude

Always remember that the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands when everything goes all right and when you feel comfortable. It is when problems arise that mostly the character of a person comes into the light. In times of problems, challenge and controversy, you have to have self-control and be a worthy follower of Christ, willing to take on his attitude in such circumstances. If you feel you can not tackle it on your own, than is the time ripe to take up prayer. Inner conflict are often the termites of disobedience, so than it is high time to show obedience to God and show your love to His other creatures, not sowing bad things but good things of which you later shall have no regret.

Giving time to the Most Important One

Spending time with God is special whether if “feels” intimate or not and whether I get goosebumps or not. It’s simply great to spend time with the Most High Lord of the lord of lords! In your prayers God always should be your hope.

You can spend time with God with your actions as well with your words.

Switching off your autopilot you can be with your mind with God from the moment you are awake. When standing up, washing yourself, you can take a moment to stop in your mind for a second, while your autopilot does the daily actions, you let your spirit wander into the Hands of God. When you eat your meal, you can savour it, thinking about the taste, texture even temperature, and take time to enjoy that what God gives you daily. On your route to work/school you can look up at the sky, feel the sun, the wind on your face, take time as it were to smell the flowers (metaphorically or in reality if at all possible).

Also at work you can take moments of meditation or prayer. At your desk, take a few deep breaths, then try and notice a few (e.g.five) things you can hear, see and touch and five body sensations you are experiencing. This is one perfect way to de-stress.

Moments for you and God

Several times in the day you should take a moment for yourself and to stretch in a quite space, taking note on how it makes your body feel, where the tension is in your body which you can focus on and breathe into.

Perhaps you think you will loose a lot of precious time that way. But it isn’t. You shall be able to recharge. These moments of meditation and prayer aren’t meant to last a long time,

30 seconds can sometimes be all it takes. Of course if you want to spend a bit longer doing it, by all means do so! {6 Ways to be More Mindful}

You shall not always be able to succeed to have a good meditation or a good chat with the Higher Being. Taking time for yourself and in that time daring to put yourself away from the busy world is not easy. when you feel not happy with your previous meditation session or prayer time, do not find an excuse than to have further delays. Take it as

when you have blown your planned diet or abandoned your exercise routine; when you have ventured down a path that feels like a waste of your time, energy, and talents; when you feel you have betrayed yourself in some way by not following through on your higher intentions; whenever you veer off course or are derailed by some setback, rather than mercilessly beat yourself up about it, rather than bludgeon yourself with self-criticism that only leaves you depressed and demoralized, you can recognize the fact that you’ve wandered from your desired path, identify what happened (and what you might do differently the next time, if it’s yours to do), and then take the opportunity to gently and lovingly collect yourself, redirect yourself, and…

Begin again. {Begin Again}




Preceding articles:

  1. Our openness to being approachable
  2. Natural inclinations and Praying and asking
  3. Always rejoicing Praying constantly Giving thanks for everything
  4. Psalm 66 HRV
  5. Psalm 66 OJB
  6. Praying and acts of meditation without ceasing


Additional reading:

  1. The business of this life
  2. People Seeking for God 2 Human interpretations
  3. The truth is very plain to see and God can be clearly seen
  4. God should be your hope
  5. God is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him
  6. Looking for True Spirituality 8 Measuring Up
  7. Philosophy hand in hand with spirituality
  8. Fragments from the Book of Job #6: chapters 38-42
  9. Getting fate in your change to positiveness
  10. A Story of the Soldier and a Spider
  11. Running away from the past
  12. Walking alone?
  13. Preaching to an unbelieving world
  14. Control your destiny or somebody else will
  15. Malefactors becoming your master
  16. Control and change
  17. Know Who goes with us and don’t try to control life
  18. Wednesday Talk: Favorite Scripture: Rejoice always
  19. Tapping into God’s Strength by Waiting on Him
  20. God is the strength of my heart
  21. The first on the list of the concerns of the saint
  22. Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience
  23. A man who cannot forgive others
  24. The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands
  25. Patience is the ability to count down before blasting off
  26. Your struggles develop your strengths
  27. Be ye angry and sin not
  28. He who smiles rather than rages is always the stronger
  29. Unconditional love
  30. Love will cure more sins than condemnation
  31. Careful what you sow, it might grow
  32. Guard well within yourself that treasure, kindness
  33. Angry but not sinning
  34. Kindness
  35. Be kinder than necessary
  36. A treasure which can give me everything I need
  37. Trusting, Faith, calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #1 Kings Faith
  38. Trusting, Faith, calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #2 Calling upon the Name of God
  39. Trusting, Faith, calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #3 Voice of God #6 Words to feed and communicate
  40. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #9 Prayer #7 Reason to pray
  41. God is my refuge and my fortress in Him I will trust


Find also to read:

  1. Serenity. Courage. Wisdom.
  2. Do you want your direction to be more clear?
  3. 6 Ways to be More Mindful
  4. Benefits of Meditation ☮
  5. In Search of the Winter Sun
  6. Work with Thoughts
  7. It Sounds Very Simple!
  8. Begin Again
  9. Inside My Head
  10. The Understanding of Dee and Meditation
  11. The Spiritual Treatment of Anxiety
  12. A Prayer for Starting Over
  13. A Prayer for New Beginnings
  14. Self Discipline


  • Growing Closer to Christ Through Our Afflictions (
    Afflictions don’t just attack our belief and faith in God. They are also meant ti distract us from God’s way, and his work. This is true even if our “work” for God is as simple as our example to those around us. Consider these words from noted Christian Author Joyce Meyers, ” The only way to repay the devil for hurt and devastation in our personal lives is to aggressively and vehemently do the works of Jesus.” In this short quote Meyers points out again that the source of our afflictions is the Devil. There’s an old saying “ Success is the best revenge. “ This is also what she is saying. The best way to combat the afflictions in our lives, is to succeed in our walk with Christ. Now I’m am not saying this will necessarily be easy. In fact the value in what I am saying lies in the fact that it will likely be hard and require significant effort !So when afflictions and struggles wage against you, first of all pray ! The more it hurts the harder you should pray. Seek the support of other like minded Christians. Do something for Christ no matter how small it may seem. Fight back with Christ and God himself as allies.
  • When Prayer Comes Hard (
    Often when a Christian expresses a need that deeply troubles them, another believer will say something like, “Just prayer about,” or “Just trust God.” It happens too when a person has been violated, lied about or hurt by the actions of another person. Someone will pipe up with this solution: “Just forgive and let it go.”To pray is always right. The same is true about trusting God and forgiving others. The problem is that prayer comes hard sometimes. And trust is not always the issue – a person may trust God completely but be weighed down with the turbulence of a life-altering event. As for forgiveness, it doesn’t roll out of the heart as easily as it rolls off the tongue.
  • A Prayer Of Faith (
    This statement of faith cannot be argued away: every prayer of faith will be answered by God. It is very important to learn to apply the Word of God when you pray, because the Word is spirit and life. God’s Word is the truth and will never fail. God watches over His Word to ensure that His promises come to pass. When you pray according to the Word of God, your prayers are in line with the will of God.
  • Prayer Part 4 – Our Personal Intercessor (
    Did you know we carry a personal intercessor with us everywhere we go? We have a helper that “helpeth our infirmities” The message bible version of the same verse says, “Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God’s Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don’t know how or what to pray, it doesn’t matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans.” Well how about that?!?!
  • 8 Things Jesus Never said (
    Jesus said a lot of things throughout the Bible, but there are also a lot of things he didn’t. Here are eight things Jesus never said (From
    Jesus never promises fame or fortune, yet these are also not things he opposes if used for his glory. If your reasoning for seeking a relationship with God is materially focused, you may want to evaluate what god you’re really yearning for.
  • Praying for our worldwide family (
    In order to pray, we need to first let go of any feelings of hopelessness, which lead thought away from the understanding that God is omnipresent divine Love, and that we are all God’s offspring, created spiritually in His likeness. When we turn away from the sense that God is anything other than a loving protector, we are open to understanding that God is powerful enough to provide for the needs of His creation! Praying this way – by choosing to keep our thoughts centered on the understanding of God’s omnipotence, omnipresence, and goodness – we are able to meet challenges both near and far.
  • Listen: The Attributes of God: Is God a “He”? (The Reasons to Believe #91 with Daniel Whyte III) (
    God has been under attack in the world almost since the beginning of time, but He and those who believe in Him are under attack more now than ever before. Atheism is increasing and atheists are becoming more vocal. This podcast is an ongoing debate response to such people as Richard Dawkins, Bill Maher and others who don’t believe in God and who preach atheism to the world. This podcast is also designed to equip Christians to do what the Holy Scriptures command, and that is to, “earnestly contend for the faith” and to “be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh us a reason of the hope that is in us”. But more importantly, this broadcast/podcast is designed to give you a reason to believe in God and His Son Jesus Christ.
  • DAY 18 Power to Heal and Deliver (
    As much as I want God to heal, it’s not up to me. God is the healer. My job is to give him the opportunity to heal by offering to pray for every sick person I come in contact with.  What I will be held accountable for is not how many were healed but how many I was obedient to pray for.
  • Banking on God’s Promises (
    “Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for not being like a busy parent who says, “Don’t ask – don’t knock – I’m too busy to be bothered!” Today I pray for those who don’t know Jesus – I pray they will begin to ask, search, and knock.  Use Christian friends to introduce them to the truths of Your Word – may their eyes be open. Draw them into a sincere faith in the real You and may they find and experience the wonders of You through Your Word. LORD, I’m banking on Your promise to open the door when they knock. Thanks you! I come before You in Jesus’ name”
  • I Sing Praises, Because There is a Name I Can Call On….Regardless of My Need (
    Just like we have first names, God’s first name is Yahweh or Jehovah. The Hebrew word means “I Am” and comes from the verb which means “to be” or “to exist.” As we speak to one another on a first name basis, we should have a desire to be on a first name basis with God. It is when we seek Him out (regardless of our flaws, weaknesses and shortcomings) with a level of transparency and honesty that God shares with us His last name.

Standing aside or looking at election days

Nederlands: Elio Di Rupo, Waals-Belgische sche...

Elio Di Rupo, Walloon Italian-Belgian scientist and prime minister of Belgium, politician of the socialist Party, Parti Socialiste (PS) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This weekend is election weekend and communion weekend for many Belgians, who may find that Sunday the 25th of May 2014 may be a turning point or again a disappointing day where it is proven that how people may vote or react in their country, those in charge do not take heed and ignore the voice of the people.

Lots of people have taken distance of the politics in this country, but also want to take distance of the way of living many have chosen to follow the last few years.

Materialism has gained priority and not many seem to be interested in the welfare of the world. those who look from a distance at Belgium may say that the “peaceful anarchism” of Brussels architecture may well be the feature that best characterizes Belgium as a whole. For the time being Brussels capital of Belgium and of the European Union, a whirlpool in a 30.528 km² country with 11,162 million citizens in a Europe of 505,73 million inhabitants.

Vlaams Belang logo

Vlaams Belang logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The heavily eurosceptic political party Vlaams Belang with N-VA attract several voters who would like to split Flanders (Vlaamderen)  from Belgium. Of all voters who want to split Belgium, in 2007, 57 percent voted for the Vlaams Belang. In 2010 it was 21.5 percent. The NVA (who had not yet emerged separately in 2007) got in 2010, 49 percent of the radical pro-Flemish voters.

The VB’s main goal is to establish an independent Flemish republic. The party seeks a peaceful secession of Flanders from Belgium, citing in its program the division of the Union between Sweden and Norway (1905), Czechoslovakia (1992), and the independence of Montenegro (2006) as examples that such would be possible. The reason to seek independence is given as the “enormous cultural and political differences between Flemings and Walloons,” and according to the party, Belgian governments are also “paralyzed by ongoing disputes between Flemish and Walloon politicians.

An audit of the prevalent political parties ahead of the 2014 May 25 elections by Knack Magazine, an established Belgian weekly journal, found the NV-A to be the party most likely to deliver an effective economic recovery for Belgium, and it might well be lots of the Flemish people can find some hope in that party.

The above mentioned parties do not like very much the immigrants in this country and the Vlaams Belang gives a totally distorted picture of other religions than Christendom.

Most European Union nations go to the polls to elect a European Parliament on Sunday, the same day Belgium will hold national parliamentary elections. For Belgians, the EU vote will be an afterthought to what really is at stake: what to do about the kingdom and its two diverse groups, 6.5 million Dutch speakers in northern Flanders and 4.5 million Francophones in southern Wallonia.

“Everywhere I have been, I sense the same yearning for linguistic calm,” Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo said.

“The people are sick of it, pushing and pulling Belgium every which way,” he was quoted as saying in Het Laatste Nieuws newspaper. {Belgians prepare for another standoff after polls}

Instead of aiming for a wonderful model for pluralism for our community several people are trying to spread rumours about other cultures and try to spread hate against those who do not behave or live like the ‘majority’ does. those who call themselves Christian often forget the call of of love by Jesus Christ . That Nazarene preacher knew we as human beings are chained for the moment to the clusters of the world. We have not really a choice. We have to live in a world where there are many people who do not want to know about the Creator  or about His arrangements, regulations or Laws which should make it easy to live together.

Jesus taught his followers to have an open mind for those who think differently. Their customs should not worry us.  In case others have a way of living which is not according to the Laws of God, it is up to us to show them that these Laws of the Most High are the best to follow. It is not by imposing them on others like dictators that we are going to gain people for God. Man has to choose himself. Those who love the Only One God should be an example for the others. They should strive to come together with people who may be different from them, but not consider that any problem.

At the time of the Romans occupying Jerusalem, the city got also lots of people from all directions coming into the town. At the time of Jesus his preaching there where also lots of nationalities living in the region where Jesus tried the people to come to the Father. he also told his disciples that it was not up to him to decide where one of his followers would take a seat in the Kingdom of God. More, he told them that in the theocracy there would be equality for all man. As long as he would not return we had to make the best of this world and take care that the poor and less fortunate would be protected. Living in this world those who love God should take distance of the world, by not being part of the world, not joining in actions or feasts associated with heathen gods. But Jesus warned his followers they had no right to judge the others who did not want to go the same way as they. The disciples had to take care that every body would be respected for what they thought or did. We too should respect all those people who try to look for solutions and try to make something of this world. Even when we know that no human being shall be able to get the most righteous government we may not spot with them. We also should allow them to have their say and should give each other  space to witness and appreciate our differences.

English: Vlaams Belang election poster in Uccl...

Vlaams Belang election poster in Uccle, Brussels, Belgium for the Belgian general election 2010 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

When many may go in heavy debates, make sure that you as a Christian keep the right spirit and respect for the other.

When we read of the children of Yisra’ĕl who went to camp in the dessert, each one by their own banner, beside the sign of their father’s house god asked them to let them camp around the Tent of Meeting at a distance.

“(1) Jehovah spoke to Moses and to Aaron, saying,  (2)  “The children of Israel shall encamp every man by his own standard, with the banners of their fathers’ houses: at a distance from the Tent of Meeting shall they encamp around it.” (Numeri 2:1-2 NHEBJE )

At a distance surrounding the Tabernacle at the Appointed Place they encamped  by their standards and could see around.

“Thus the children of Israel did. According to all that Jehovah commanded Moses, so they encamped by their standards, and so they set out, everyone by their families, according to their fathers’ houses.” (Numeri 2:34 NHEBJE)

The picture of the great organised camp and orderly march of Israel is interesting: but it presents a contrast to the disorganised, disorderly condition of human society in every land and every age. also today we can learn from it and also take some distance for looking at our world.

While it may be said that there are nations leagued in creed, allied by descent, which form the van; that others, similarly connected more or less, constitute the right and left wings of the advancing host; and the rest, straggling far behind, bring up the rear-this is but a very imaginative representation of the fact.

It has always been very difficult for people to pull one robe. We can not see many people who advances as with one mind and one heart. For long periods human beings have tried all sorts of governments. Today we still can not find any group of nations which have one single standard.

Time and destiny urge on the host, and all is to be won by steady resolute endeavour. Yet some are encamped, while others are moving about restlessly or engaged in petty conflicts that have nothing to do with moral gain. We all should know that there should be unity; but one division is embroiled with another, tribe ‘crosses swords’ with tribe.

The truth is that as Israel came far short of real spiritual organisation and due disposition of its forces to serve a common end, so it is still with the human race. Nor do the schemes that are occasionally tried to some extent promise a remedy for our disorder. For the symbol of our most holy faith is not set in the midst by most of those who aim at social organisation, nor do they dream of seeking a better country, that is, a heavenly. The description of the camp of Israel has something to teach us still. Without the Divine law there is no progress, without a Divine rallying-point there is no unity. Faith must control, the standard of Christianity must show the way: otherwise the nations will only wander aimlessly, and fight and die in the desert. {Expository Bible}

When we overlook the things from a distance, let us remind ourselves to be conscious of the necessity to try to go for the Laws God has given humankind to work on a world worth living in.


Find also to read:

  1. Follower of Jesus part of a cult or a Christian
  2. A Society pleading poverty
  3. Looking for True Spirituality 5 Fruitage of the Spirit
  4. WWJD
  5. A Living Faith #1 Substance of things hoped for
  6. There’s no thief like a bad book
  7. No man is capable of self-improvement on his own
  8. Kingdom of God what will it be like


  • The Game of Thrones in Belgian Politics (
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  • Belgians prepare for another standoff after polls (
    The national mood in Belgium right now is like two different worlds. A giddy sense of unity has overtaken the country because the national soccer team is going to the World Cup, but a parliamentary election campaign has left the nation divided like never before.Schizophrenic? Maybe. Politics as usual? For sure.
  • “30% of the electorate still undecided” (
    In the poll the Flemish nationalists of N-VA are the strongest party in the Chamber of Representatives picking up 31.9% of the vote in northern Belgium – up from 28.2% at the last election in 2010. The poll shows a resurgent Christian democrat party: the CD&V takes a 19.7% share of the vote – up from 16.4% in April’s poll.
  • Flemish separatists triumph in Belgian election (
    TheN-VA’s lead in polls triggered a nationwide debate about the possible break-up of the 180-year-old nation, with richer Flanders splitting fromWallonia, where unemployment is about double the national average.Parties from poorer French-speaking regions see devolution as a step toward Belgium’s break-up, which they oppose, but all have said they would consider some reform of the state.
  • Roald Smeets Vlaams Belang (
    The direct predecessor of the Vlaams Belang was the Vlaams Blok, which was formed by the nationalist right-wing of the People’s Union which had broken out in the late 1970s. The ideology of the Vlaams Blok started out with its radical nationalist rejection of the People’s Union compromise on the Flemish autonomy issue, and later increasingly focused on immigration and security, exploitation of political scandals, and defense of traditional values. The immigration positions of the Vlaams Blok was subject to much controversy, and the party was forced to disband in 2004 after a political trial ruled that it sanctioned discrimination. By then, the party was the most popular Flemish party, supported by about one in four of the Flemish electorate, and was one of the most successful parties considered to be right-wing populist in Europe as a whole.
  • [EU Elections] EP voting behaviour shows divisions in far-right camp (
    The voting record of seven far-right and anti-EU parties represented in the outgoing European Parliament shows larger divisions than among centrist parties who grouped together, according to a study published Tuesday (20 May) byVoteWatch.Seven partieswere included in the study, three of which arecurrently in a parliamentary group: the British Independence Party (Ukip), Italy’sLega Nord and Slovakia’sSNS.VoteWatch also looked at the voting record of France’s National Front, led by Marine Le Pen, the Dutch PVV party led by Geert Wilders, the Austrian Freedom Party (FPOe) and the Belgian Vlaams Belang, all of which are currently not affiliated with any parliamentary group.
  • Euro elections: Wilders’ far-right alliance gaining momentum (

    The Dutch populist leader Geert Wilders is hoping to make the first gains for a new alliance of Eurosceptic and anti-immigration parties in the European Parliament, with his Party for Freedom (PVV) forecast to take up to 23 per cent of the vote.

    The Netherlands and Britain, the first countries to vote, have had very similar election campaigns.  Concerns over the economy and immigration, and mistrust in the EU have pushed up support for the PVV, although Mr Wilders’ recent outburst about the country’s Moroccan community dented support.

  • Geert Wilders Underperforms… (

    Geert Wilders came fourth in European elections in the Netherlands on Thursday night, confounding predictions that he would lead a populist and far-Right backlash against the European Union across the continent.

    Dutch exit polls put the far-Right and anti-Islam leader on 12.2 per cent of the vote, putting him behind all the pro-EU mainstream political parties.

    ‘Definitive’ exit polls put him behind the ruling centrist VVD on 12.3 per cent and almost three per cent behind the pro-EU D66 liberals and Christian Democrats, each on over 15 per cent.

  • How Far will it swing? European extremist parties are expected to make record gains in the election this weekend (
    According to aPollwatch2014 analysis of voter opinions, the two politicians are capable of forming abloc of 38MEPs from a minimum of seven countries — a prerequisite for receiving more than £2 million a year in public funding.But would such a bloc pose a real threat? Jean-Yves Camus, a French researcher on antisemitism, says the right-wing scene is far too fractious to form an alliance.

    Like elsewhere in Europe, nationalist ideas are finding purchase among voters fed up with France’s economic woes.

    The FN says it hopes to get 15 to 20 representatives into the European Parliament — three to five times more than it currently has.

  • The Flemish question (
    Flanders is a region is the North and West part of Belgian inhabit by the Dutch speaking Flemings. The region have being trying to get independent from the rest of Belgium and in some cases to join Nederland’s.
    We think that there should have closer ties between Boer-Afrikaner and Flemish organizations. The two people have many things in common, similar language; suffer a period of discrimination of other people and both seek their self-determination. Also some Boer-Afrikaners have also Flemish ancestry.Enhanced by Zemanta
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